The online racing simulator
#26 - SamH
The information on the page is updated every 15-20 seconds while you're watching it, and is based on information retrieved directly out of the X-System which, every time a race restarts, outputs the track cycle timing info for the page to use. It's as granular as I can make it without going overboard and wasting resources.

It's not intended to be correct to the second, or even really to the race. It should be accurate to within 1 race or so, but as soon as the crowd votes to restart a race before the track cycle kicks in, it's just page decoration from there on.
Quote from AbsolutMartini :Do think that racing races alone for points a bit useless is, it is good for your stats ok..

I agree with you totally.
But the problem is that no one is going to join the server if it's empty. So in order to get more people there I join and race. Erm... I mean drive around. Might as well gain something from it.
How else would a driver like me have gotten Gold