Video Card and RAM
(42 posts, started )
Video Card and RAM
I have about $200-$300 to spend on a video card and RAM.

Pref I want the card to be 512mb and about 2 gig ram. Im using and thats where i want stuff other websites.

So, I need help, so much to choose from lol
8800GT - 512 Mb - $240

Corsair RAM (2x1Gb @ 4-4-4-12) - $54

Total: $294

- Also $20 MIR if you count that sort of stuff...

Out of curiosity - why not Newegg, for example? That's the site you SHOULD be buying from.
#3 - Jakg

What is your current PC specs? It's pointless buying a top of the range set of tyres and fitting them to your Jumped-Up Dodge Neon!

What PSU do you have?

Why does it HAVE to be from that site? NewEgg is the freaking own - just wish they would ship to the UK
My uncle gets a discount from there since he pretty much buys 3 new PC parts every few weeks for his job...

Pentium4 524 (P) HT 3.06 GHz
ATI Radeon Xpress 200
Motherboard Asus
512 RAM (448 mb due to onboard video card)

I cant find what the power supply watt is but heres the computers name if you guys would like to look at it HP Pavillion a1328x
I've checked it out on the HP website, it looks ok for an upgrade. My only concern is that Pentium 4 processor. It's a piece of crap compared to a core2duo, and it might bottleneck your new video card. You migh want to consider upgrading your CPU if you can.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I've checked it out on the HP website, it looks ok for an upgrade. My only concern is that Pentium 4 processor. It's a piece of crap compared to a core2duo, and it might bottleneck your new video card. You migh want to consider upgrading your CPU if you can.

How much would it bottleneck?

Edit: Is there a Offbrand name of 8700's or 8800's?
Well, that's not TOO too shabby. The P4 is definitely going to hold you back... a lot. But hey, right now it's the onboard that's holding you back... massively - so it'll be a significant boost anyway. The issue at this point is going to be:

a.) Make sure your power supply will be able to power the card. You may not even have a PCI-E power adapter... though I think you likely will. It's usually not recommended to run an 8800GT on anything less than 400W. You might have to replace the power supply as well. In fact, I'd recommend it.

b.) Simple, but just be sure the card will actually FIT, lol.
The way I would do is hold back on the GFX card and get yourself a decent power to "actually run" the 8800 is get yourself a c2d most likely an e2xxx series and more specifically a 2140 or 2180 or go more on e6xxx, Qxxxx or the new e8xxx(wolfdale) chips, but do remember that the wolfdales do require newer chipsets with 45nm support. Next is to get ram and get XMS 2 because of 1.) it has gotten cheaper to get and 2.) provides quite a punch for its value (2gb version kicks ass I've got them). Third is just get a good PSU and get a beefy 650 watt ones and from a good reputable company. I didn't Mention HDD's because you can just transfer your old HDD in the new heart and the last two steps is getting a pretty solid case and a decent mobo. All together can come up to upto 350(or more) but worth every penny for the future.
Quote from anik360 :The way I would do is hold back on the GFX card and get yourself a decent power to "actually run" the 8800 is get yourself a c2d most likely an e2xxx series and more specifically a 2140 or 2180 or go more on e6xxx, Qxxxx or the new e8xxx(wolfdale) chips, but do remember that the wolfdales do require newer chipsets with 45nm support. Next is to get ram and get XMS 2 because of 1.) it has gotten cheaper to get and 2.) provides quite a punch for its value (2gb version kicks ass I've got them). Third is just get a good PSU and get a beefy 650 watt ones and from a good reputable company. I didn't Mention HDD's because you can just transfer your old HDD in the new heart and the last two steps is getting a pretty solid case and a decent mobo. All together can come up to upto 350(or more) but worth every penny for the future.

damn, I didnt want to build a new PC..I just want to upgrade..

I think my power supply is atleast 350 watt maby 400 I didnt look close the other night when I had the case open..But I don't care if the card is getting held back, I just need a new card because the onboard card i have now is starting to get lines in games where I can see where they pieced the game together on the tracks or maps.
Quote from anik360 :The way I would do is hold back on the GFX card and get yourself a decent power to "actually run" the 8800 is get yourself a c2d most likely an e2xxx series and more specifically a 2140 or 2180 or go more on e6xxx, Qxxxx or the new e8xxx(wolfdale) chips, but do remember that the wolfdales do require newer chipsets with 45nm support. Next is to get ram and get XMS 2 because of 1.) it has gotten cheaper to get and 2.) provides quite a punch for its value (2gb version kicks ass I've got them). Third is just get a good PSU and get a beefy 650 watt ones and from a good reputable company. I didn't Mention HDD's because you can just transfer your old HDD in the new heart and the last two steps is getting a pretty solid case and a decent mobo. All together can come up to upto 350 but worth every penny for the future

Thing is, I don't really see a reason why he should get the new CPU before the new graphics card. If he gets the CPU, he will need a new mobo, and that means he will need a new card anyway - which means a lot of money. OR he could just get the card now, which will provide a decent boost in gaming performance, and then get the new mobo a bit later when he has more money and get ANOTHER boost.
That's how I start out basically see attachment. He will most likely have to spend money anyway so why not start out from the core? I mean people have different opinions about how to upgrade, but that is how I basically did since when I was like 12.

edit: my step is backward I know...

EDIT-2: I understand what you two are trying to prove but getting a saturn five rocket(8800gt) and forgetting to put the fuel in(400w) is just weird.
Attached images
Yeah - I would do that too, but the problem is, he doesn't have the money to upgrade all of that at once, and the problem is, if he gets the new processor, he'll need the new mobo, and that means he'll need the graphics card (no onboard) and THAT means he'll need the PSU. So he's stuck getting everything. Or he can get the power supply, RAM and graphics card now, and then get the mobo and CPU later...
saw a new 8800gt on ebay for 214(just got sold). DAMN wish i hadn't bought mines from newegg
I know what you guys are saying but atm all i want is a new card and ram...I get about $700-$800 from my parents taxes and I want to spend as less than i can but I want good stuff, so thats why I stuck with the 200-$300 range. And I want a 7000 series or an 8800 series and RAM..
So get them. Your computer will be faster, especially in games. But the next time you get more money, get a new CPU.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :So get them. Your computer will be faster, especially in games. But the next time you get more money, get a new CPU.

Alright...Im ordering them next week when we get the money..around the 22nd or 23rd
Hey, where's the hot chick of the month Shiny Red Cobra???
Ahh I dunno, i just felt like putting something else for a change. Who knows, maybe one day I will put up another hot chick. :Kick_Can_
Rats... :irked:
#20 - Jakg
Erm, you'd be an idiot to buy an 8800GT (which wont work in your PC) and 2 GB of 1337 DDR2 (which wont even WORK in your PC) as a new PC WOULD be faster.

I just priced up a £400 ($800) build with 2 GB of RAM, 3870XT, Good PSU, Good motherboard/cooler etc (no operating system). As your in the US you could EASILY get it cheaper than that.

I know someone who had a 3 GHz PD (Dual-core P4) and an 8800GTS (the old 320 MB one). They HATED it. They wish they'd bought a cheaper card and a better CPU as they saw virtually 0 improvement in most of their games.
I dont care if its an 8800 series one considering I dont have vista and I dont plan on having it so I wont need the DX10...And yes my PC WILL handle 2gig ram.
Jakg why would you say the video card and the ram won't work? Of course they will work, his system supports PCIe x16 and DDR2 ram doesn't it?
I think it's safe to say he'd get a decent boost in framerate compared to what he has now. I don't understand why you guys are forcing this him to build a whole new computer. YES the card will be limited by the CPU, and YES it really would make sense to build a whole new PC, but there's nothing wrong with doing it little by little too, if you really don't want to spend the money all at once.
Ok to clear up the thoughts about bottlenecks I still have my old hp rig with PD 920 with 2gb ddr2 667 and put my 8800gt from my new rig. The only drop I got was 32fps in LFS and 36FPS in COD4 so yea Cpu holds you back but not that much If you have PD(which is actually 2 P4's glued together).

Video Card and RAM
(42 posts, started )