The online racing simulator
#1 - latch
Auto brakes when pit stop finished
Am I the only one infuriated by the brakes staying on when a pit stop finishes? It just makes it that much easier to burn your clutch or stall it. This may not be an issue for auto-clutch people but for manual clutch drivers it's a royal pain.

So please, when my pit stop has finished, give me control of my brakes again!
Yes, and I hate that handbrake stucks to on-position if you use handbrake while not moving.

And should it be better that you'll have to shut down the engine before pitting? Never heard of that someone puts more fuel to street car while motor is running.

Then again, there are more important issues as well...
In GT class reglements normaly only turbocars are allowed to keep their engine running while refueling, others have to shut down.
#4 - ajp71
Quote from Gekkibi :
And should it be better that you'll have to shut down the engine before pitting? Never heard of that someone puts more fuel to street car while motor is running.

Refueling a running car isn't really that dangerous if you use a bit of common sense, at least with modern dry break systems. The problem is the amount of fuel that goes everywhere if it spills with pressurised refueling systems. We refilled the Morgan at a petrol station without shutting it down when the starter motor burnt out and it didn't explode and in the days of old they used to happily refuel cars with all kinds of special fuels whilst having a smoke
Quote from latch :Am I the only one infuriated by the brakes staying on when a pit stop finishes? It just makes it that much easier to burn your clutch or stall it. This may not be an issue for auto-clutch people but for manual clutch drivers it's a royal pain.

So please, when my pit stop has finished, give me control of my brakes again!

I don't understand. The brakes are still forced on by LFS after the pit is finished? In 3 years, I haven't noticed this. And how is it an issue with burning the clutch or stalling? I now use a clutch pedal since the release of patch Y and have never burned the clutch except for my very first run in the patch, let alone burned it out from leaving a pitstop.
It's not so much burns the clutch out, if you leave it in gear whilst pitting, once the pit is over and you're not paying attention (why you wouldn't be in a race I don't know), the pit clutch goes off, the pit brakes goes off leaving the car to stall.

Like I said, it only happens if you're not paying attention. Best way is to wait for the 'refuelling' stage, give it some revs ready for the off and you'll be fine.
Quote from beefyman666 :It's not so much burns the clutch out, if you leave it in gear whilst pitting, once the pit is over and you're not paying attention (why you wouldn't be in a race I don't know), the pit clutch goes off, the pit brakes goes off leaving the car to stall.

Like I said, it only happens if you're not paying attention. Best way is to wait for the 'refuelling' stage, give it some revs ready for the off and you'll be fine.

Well, who would be dumb enough to sit stationary without their foot holding the clutch? It's a very simple driving technique when using a manual transmission. You want to stop, you press the clutch before coming to a complete stop to keep from stalling the car. You want to sit stationary while transmission is in gear, you sit stationary with the clutch disengaged. Quite simple and something that should be understood before attempting to drive a car with a manual transmission.
You're not thinking of the large majority who don't have clutch pedals.
Quote from ajp71 :Refueling a running car isn't really that dangerous if you use a bit of common sense, at least with modern dry break systems. The problem is the amount of fuel that goes everywhere if it spills with pressurised refueling systems. We refilled the Morgan at a petrol station without shutting it down when the starter motor burnt out and it didn't explode and in the days of old they used to happily refuel cars with all kinds of special fuels whilst having a smoke


We had to do that because the tank was empty and the battery was pancaked!

I'm still here to this very day!
Guys, I don't think you really understand me. Please watch the attached mpr which should explain it. Watch it with in car view and observe the pedal bars down the bottom right.

When the pit stop has finished the brakes are stuck on until I'm going roughly 10kph. Until then, I'm fighting the brakes to get going.
Attached files
scr.latch_BL1_FBM.spr - 19.1 KB - 230 views
The brakes stay on until you LEAVE the box...that's no problem in a race, as you'll drop the clutch almost instantly...

What I want to know is why you couldn't pit in the first 3 boxes?
But since the brakes stay on, dumping the clutch doesn't get the wheels spinning! It forces me to have a really short first gear just to get out of the pits.
hmm...either your first gear is too long to begin with, or you're not spooling the turbo enough before takeoff (If it's not just the FBM).

And why are you trying to get the wheels spinning leaving the pitbox? I've never had any bother in ANY car, leaving the pits without stalling/burning the clutch
Watch this replay then. First is quite long I admit, but it can get the wheels spinning with cold tyres as demonstrated. Then, I dump the clutch after the pit stop and... clutch gone, because the brakes are still on!

All I'm asking is that the control of the brakes is handed back to me after the pit is finished. It's not that much to ask is it?
Attached files
scr.latch_BL1_FBM_2.spr - 15 KB - 254 views
Quote from latch :Then, I dump the clutch after the pit stop and... clutch gone, because the brakes are still on!

Are you still full throttle when the clutch is engaging? I just rev to 5k, and then let off the gas and the clutch button, and then hit the gas again once the clutch is fully engaged.
Basically with the current clutch model and non-existent engine damage you should just avoid the slipping of clutch by keeping the revs high and dropping the clutch as fast as possible. Just like with race starts, just give it full throttle, press clutch and put 1st gear in. When the lights go green just release the clutch. That's almost the same thing you'd do in real life if you wanted to get a quick start except you would be total whacko to keep the engine redlining until the lights go green .

Without watching the replay(s) I'm pretty sure it is the handbrake that is on until the car starts moving when it is automatically released. This "issue" was discussed when the updated start was implemented but teh coder himself said that it would just wreck havoc amongst demo racers if you'd need to hold the car steady with your brakes.

Just give it full throttle and don't ride the clutch, that's it
never happend to me , and y pass 4hours at day in conedodgers
#18 - _ak
The strange thing, there is handbrake on button but no handbrake off one.
Actually, a handbrake off button would be good! Or maybe if you press the handbrake button again once the handbrake is on (and stuck on) it turns it off?
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Actually, a handbrake off button would be good! Or maybe if you press the handbrake button again once the handbrake is on (and stuck on) it turns it off?

...And what if some are using axis as handbrake, like me? It would be simpler to remove "auto-handbrake while not moving" -feature.
Quote from Gekkibi :...And what if some are using axis as handbrake, like me? It would be simpler to remove "auto-handbrake while not moving" -feature.

Well there aren't many who have a spare axis for a handbrake...and I'm sure in that case you would have full control over the handbrake, as in it's only on when you have the handbrake pulled, and it doesn't auto-stay-on...
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Well there aren't many who have a spare axis for a handbrake...and I'm sure in that case you would have full control over the handbrake, as in it's only on when you have the handbrake pulled, and it doesn't auto-stay-on...

Unfortunately, currently it stays on. Hopefully in the future both (Button on/off and auto-handbrake off) ideas come to true.
That's what I mean, in future hopefully it will be like that...