yes yes i know i'm in a minority here, but i STILL drive with a Force feedback stick. Now, my gripe is with the force feedback, it's only on the steering, so when i'm driving the Y-axis has NO return/spring or any force on it (the stick can just fall forward or back) Being as (as far as i'm aware) most people use a mouse or a wheel, maybe it's a bit of an ask, but how about some FF on the Y axis too (more wooden brakes as they heat up etc?) also is the X axis feedback with steering weighted with speed/size of tyres etc, or is it just to the weight of the car? Sometimes it feels "static"
Also noticed that the MRT5 has REALLY light force. yet surely with a car with tyres that large and a small rack, and no power steer, it would be reasonably heavy (like a basic kart?)
Anyway enough rambling, i'm sure someone will flame me :P
Also noticed that the MRT5 has REALLY light force. yet surely with a car with tyres that large and a small rack, and no power steer, it would be reasonably heavy (like a basic kart?)
Anyway enough rambling, i'm sure someone will flame me :P