The online racing simulator
#1 - wikis
keyboard problem (haven't thought more specific title)

Since patch Y has released I can't use heel and toe braking technique (mouse user using W and S for acc and brake and A and D for changing gears), because it's not possible to press W A S keys at one time and I just can't use mouse keys to brake and accelerate. So the question is it possible to make little program that when I'm downshifting (pressing A) it is also being pressed W key (acceleration) for very short time?

Sorry for many grammar mistakes
I'm curious, why does patch Y not allow you to press those three keys at once? Is that related to the gearbox updates? It doesn't really make any sense.
Is it the same thing where you can't press accelerate, clutch, steer and a look button at the same time?
#4 - wikis
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm curious, why does patch Y not allow you to press those three keys at once? Is that related to the gearbox updates? It doesn't really make any sense.

try pressing those keys, if you press them at one time, only one is pressed or none. That's not patch Y issue, this happens everywhere.
Im starting to heel and toe with keyboard, works fine for me.
Keyboards only let you press so many keys at once, on older keyboards the limit was often 3 but it is higher on modern keyboards. So pressing WAS should work fine.
The problem arises from how the hardware buffer is structured. Some key combinations work, some don't. For example, try moving your keys to T,F,G and it'll probably work.

Here's a neat little app that you can test your keyboard combinations with
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Handy that.