The online racing simulator
Assistance needed in Replay Analysers
I'm been struggling for hours to get the track graphics come up on the replay screens. I thought that an image of the track like in LFS-the color of the track, trees, etc would appear. I just get a bluish thin line of the track's shape on a deep green emerald screen.

I have Vista...been loading, deleting and reloading the smx files from the LFS site. The directory I have them in is C:\Users\
firebird\data\smx\New Folder\SMX_PTH_S2Y. I did go to the OPTIONS window in the Perfview and the PREFERENCES window in AnalyseFor Speed, tried a billion different combinations: that samegreen screen comes up in both The Perfview and nothing on the AnalyseForSpeed screen. When I double click on the SMX_PTH_S2Y file, I see all the different tracks listed and the size of the files. I'm closing in on 65 and not all that computer savvy. If you have any suggestions, I sure would appreciate it. Any more info, please ask.
