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Website making help.
(45 posts, started )
#26 - SamH
James, you're wandering off into a personal ethos area again.. that's only the convention you follow, it's not a law.
Just examples, but I'd rather just type "ba" and down-arrow twice than have to type "background-attachment" when overriding previous short-hand or "te" and get "text-decoration". As for the JS bit - a web-specific IDE is able to code-complete code based on jQuery for example, which is super handy.

I'm all for this "hand-coded" thing - wouldn't even think of using a wysiwyg to lay something out - but when I got a whole stack of projects to get through I'm more than grateful for every bit of extra speed my tools can give me. But like all tools, you have to customize them around the way you work - if you just open them up and adapt to them you've lose the game.
Quote from SamH :James, you're wandering off into a personal ethos area again.. that's only the convention you follow, it's not a law.

I didn't know the forum was about objective truths? I'm obviously going to talk about my opinion - the topic itself is subjective. Aside from that, I think you'll find a good deal and website accessibility in various country's laws now. And common uses of JavaScript in web environments often breaks accessibility unless designed very well indeed.

Quote from xaotik :Just examples, but I'd rather just type "ba" and down-arrow twice than have to type "background-attachment" when overriding previous short-hand or "te" and get "text-decoration". As for the JS bit - a web-specific IDE is able to code-complete code based on jQuery for example, which is super handy.

Granted, I'll give you that.

Quote :But like all tools, you have to customize them around the way you work - if you just open them up and adapt to them you've lose the game.

Couldn't agree more.
#29 - Migz
Personally, i use frontpage. And upload it to my own .com website.

BUTT, when i make a different website and dont want to host it on my .com
i use as a host. And still i use frontpage as the editor.

Ive used dreamweaver before, its pretty good, buts its overkill. You only really need to use dreamweaver if you were making a huge site with php and flash and lots of different things. Id try and get frontpage. but if you can get it just try it with dreamweaver then.

Edit: oh i forgot to say, awardspace is 100% free

Oh and some of the more important statts of awardspace

Webspace 200 MB
Monthly Bandwidth 5 GB/mo
You can see all the rest at the website. Just click on the webhosting link.
#30 - SamH
Quote from JamesF1 :I didn't know the forum was about objective truths? I'm obviously going to talk about my opinion - the topic itself is subjective.

I'm probably not coming across in the way I intended, so please ignore me The thread is about suggestions on what to code IN, not about what or which way to code. That was the point I was trying and, apparently, failing to make
Be cool.

Buy a mac and use Coda.

I swear, it's probably one of the more useful HTML/ASP/PHP editors out there, and then coupled with CSSEdit, it's brilliant.
i could help you out, i use a programme called Dreamweaver by macromedia and i've made a few websites for people here and there. We can talk on msn if you wish, just add me
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Be cool.

Buy a mac and use Coda.

I swear, it's probably one of the more useful HTML/ASP/PHP editors out there, and then coupled with CSSEdit, it's brilliant.

Be geeky.

Install Linux and use SciTE (it's free!)

I swear, it's probably one of the more simple HTML/ASP/PHP editors out there, and it highlights CSS syntax too (Oh and it's free!)

(Did I mention it's free?)
John! How much does it cost?!
Quote from harjun :i could help you out, i use a programme called Dreamweaver by macromedia and i've made a few websites for people here and there. We can talk on msn if you wish, just add me

Beat you harjun.
hey guys, ive made a temperary website, shes just a free webs, but shell get the job done for now.
@harjun ive added you on msn so we can talk about DreamWeaver.
in the meantime guys check my sig for the link to my temporary website, oh and dont forget to sign the guest book XD
Harjun Is God!
all good guys, harjun made 1 for me, its the best site ever, its probebly the best that i know of.
and he didnt tell me to say this at all.
lol shes not complete, but shes deffinetly getting there.
well then, lets see
Might be worth hiding that email address in case spammers get there. There are plenty of code snippets available to hide emails (though they aren't VERY secure) - just copy and paste in javascript I think.
Can't help but notice an array of errors on that site. For example, on the About page I found the following glaring (and totally obvious) errors:
  • You close the <html> tag twice.
  • Line 104 is a total mess. You try closing tags that are not even open.
And one more thing: The layout you're using is under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence. I quote:
"Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work)."

I don't see any attribution to the author of the design ( other than in the CSS file (which I had to actively look for). Overall message: Get a clue before you tell people what to do/use
Quote from tristancliffe :Might be worth hiding that email address in case spammers get there. There are plenty of code snippets available to hide emails (though they aren't VERY secure) - just copy and paste in javascript I think.

Makes absolutely no difference, even separating emails with things like "DO NOT SPAM, REPLACE WITH AT" is handled smoothly and efficiently by spam-bots today.
Just don't use mailto link or any other version of text email. I'd be very interested to know the proportion of people who actually use mailto links, to those who don't, because I get the impression it's actually very low.

Also another classic Harjun fail. Removes copywrite notice and manages to mess up a template, yet leaves the validation links at the bottom. Fantastic job.
What happend to microsoft frontpage. I was just looking for it then, I dont see it no more! whats happend?!?. If you have frontpage then use that its easy-peasy . But I hear you have to have frontpage extensions on ya webhost? I maybe wrong.
Quote from Rdcranno :What happend to microsoft frontpage. I was just looking for it then, I dont see it no more! whats happend?!?. If you have frontpage then use that its easy-peasy . But I hear you have to have frontpage extensions on ya webhost? I maybe wrong.

you owe my boss a keyboard and monitor.. mine's now covered with coffee!

Never, ever ever ever ever ever recommend m$ runtpage. It's like taking a blind person to a peep show for his birthday...................

James.. regarding the spam stuff.. I found using entities and special chars seems to work pretty well. For example; I have design@ for one of my addresses posted on my main site.. never had it spammed, but in the code it has the following format:

href: "mailto:%64%65%73%69%67%6e@%64%69%67%69%73%65%72%76.%6e%65%74"
Label: [email protected]

Granted, that's not really complex either to decipher, but so far, no spam been received there, yet sales@, info@ and dns@ get hammered daily and have never had addresses / accounts assigned for obvious reasons



Website making help.
(45 posts, started )