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UK car tax
(54 posts, started )
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :But isn't RD just cut tax fuel, and not totally tax free?

This is the UK. The air would be taxed if they could work out a way.
Well we could do it like road tax. Old fatty fatty across the street would be in tear Z, and have to pay £1,000 a year Air Tax, and Young skinny skinny down the road would be in tear A and have to pay £100 a year Air Tax. Or maybe we could call it fat tax, or footpath tax.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Sure Brits are more frustrated, becuase they get taxed on practically everything except for their taxes.

No we pay value added tax on our fuel duty tax.

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :That is just stupid. I've just come back from spending a week working on a farm and we went through a lot fuel (most of it was Red Diesel, but a few vehicles were petrol only). Now none of these go on the road as such don't pay road tax, so why should they have to pay extra on fuel to cover the costs of roads when they never use them?

What piece of agricultural heavy machinery is petrol? Providing tax rebated petrol for quad-bikes/pick ups would likely result in far greater issues with wide spread distribution into vehicles that don't use the road/are likely to get caught, but are not entitled to rebated fuel.

Personally I think scrapping road tax and putting the tax instead on fuel is the only sensible way of doing it. If we have to have road tax though I'd like it to be banded by vehicle weight and I'd like all vehicles over 1800kg to be ineligible for classification as passenger cars. There could be a separate category for lights goods vehicles (maybe required to be diesel and under a certain capacity) and vehicles for farm/off road use (maybe requirement of basic trim and a ban on automatics). Then all the soft roaders and overweight saloons could be taxed at a ridiculous rate.
Quote from ajp71 :What piece of agricultural heavy machinery is petrol? Providing tax rebated petrol for quad-bikes/pick ups would likely result in far greater issues with wide spread distribution into vehicles that don't use the road/are likely to get caught, but are not entitled to rebated fuel.

The petrol driven vehicles are not a necessity as such, but a small 3 Door Mitsubishi Shogun is far more stable than an orchard tractor, so it is used whenever possible for that reason. Okay so they don't have to get cheaper fuel, but making them pay even more on top of an already large expense rather than paying road tax on vehicles not used on the road anyway is just another kick in the chops.

UK car tax
(54 posts, started )