Allright, I'll bump this topic some.
Lately I have been lacking anything to use my time on. Sure, I do work most of day and then going to gym, leaving me out with 4 hours free time each day, still - I can't find anything usefull to use my time on.
So what do I do?
I start playing Ballistics.. The most insane screwed up game ever.
And you know what? I enjoy it. Lol,it's garbage but still I love it, due to it's intensity..
To sum it up short :
Ballistic is a kind of racing game. You drive something similar to a hoverbike in a tunnel. The main purpose is to avoid object in a absolute INSANE speed. If you hit a object you lose all your speed, and sometimes 1 crash can be the difference between wining and losing.
Me and a buddy having some fun, trying to see who can drive this fastest, so for that I made my 2th video about this game, 1 is crap so I only post the 2th.
Take a look and tell me what you think
And yes - the movie is enterily crap, made it on 10 mins in moviemaker, but aim is to show the game.
And one more thing, there is 11 tracks but I can't manage to drive anyone of the others any good, since they are mentally hard compared to this one.
Edit : And yes, it's in real time. No FF here, this IS the actually speed of the game.
Just as a notice - the unconfirmed top speed in this game is around 10 000 km/h.