The online racing simulator
Do you need to be the owner of a server to get it to work... because I am trying to get it to work on a dedicated server hosted by someone else that I have admin rights to.

How do you find the IP of the server if you're not running it...
you don't necessarily need to be the owner, but yes, you need to know the ip address, the insim port number enabled in the config file of the server, and the admin password in the config file. you'll have to ask the person who owns/rents it to tell you the ip address.

the other thing you could do is make the ip address in the config.ini file, and run the program along side the dedicated server program on the physical server.

basically you need to know the ip address if you're gonna run the program on your computer to connect it to the server, or leave it at if the control program is uploaded to the server.
Now that I've put in the IP, I get this when I start 'er up...

InsimHandler experienced an innner failure
Quote from JO53PHS :Now that I've put in the IP, I get this when I start 'er up...

InsimHandler experienced an innner failure

That's odd the inner failure has 3 n's I wonder what that means.
That's a typo in LFSLib.
Is there anyway an n00b like me could fix that
The app works for me. It probably just can't find the LFS host in question. Check to make sure you have the correct IP address and that the host is initialised to the correct port. Also if you are connecting to a host on a different computer, make sure your app can get through any firewall which might be up.
yeah, that error is because the program cannot connect to the specified ip address or port number you gave in the config.ini. make sure that both are correct for the specific server you want it to connect to. the insim port number to fill in the config.ini file is the one enabled in your dedicated server's setup.cfg file. and if you're running the program on your computer, you need to find out what the ip address of the server is to allow it to connect, otherwise if you've uploaded it along side the server, just leave it at
ok, here's the latest one with the fixes. still waiting to do the threading, but this at least works.
Attached files - 303.6 KB - 192 views
How comes you want to do threading? Why do you need to?
that way they can continue to click buttons, while it waits the specified time they set until it clears the RCM messages in game. could probably do it with a timer too, but henry likes to make programs complicated
I can't get it to work.
i edit the config.ini change the admin pass, the port then i put /insim 29999 (i set it to 29999) and it comes up with:
race control
then nothing happens in lfs??
Please help
Sorry i got it working now