The online racing simulator
Selecting driving side, when making setup

i was driving in MINI CUP server yesterday, and other racers told me, that if you sit in the right side, you can make better lap times in UF1@BL1 , when sitting in left. i tried it, and it really works (other weight distribution). So i think, that it would be just great, that I can change driver side when making setup (with no need to go to options) It should be new selector, in INFO or PASSENGERS - driver side (LEFT/RIGHT/DEFAULT (default is set in options)).

(don't punch me very hard)

I hope you understood my idea.

If not - look here
I had never thought it would actually make a difference in lap times, but if that's really the case I guess it would be a good idea to have that option included in the setup itself. Of course there's gonna be the realism nazis who say that in real life race drivers do not change their seat positions when tweaking their setup for a specific track but whatever...
Quote from obsolum :I had never thought it would actually make a difference in lap times, but if that's really the case I guess it would be a good idea to have that option included in the setup itself. Of course there's gonna be the realism nazis who say that in real life race drivers do not change their seat positions when tweaking their setup for a specific track but whatever...

...Neither do they change their seat position by clicking one single button in options-menu...

This would be good addition to setup, including the fuel-capacity.
Actually the changing of drivers side was made more restrictive to stop people from changing sides all the time. You are encouraged to pick one side and stick with it.
Quote from Bob Smith :Actually the changing of drivers side was made more restrictive to stop people from changing sides all the time. You are encouraged to pick one side and stick with it.

You mean in LFS? What's the problem with people changing sides for every track? It doesn't bother other people, so I see no harm in that. I suppose that one could argue that it offers an advantage - however small - but the option is available to everyone so it's not really unfair. Personally I've never changed my driver's position, but it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if other people did.
#6 - dev
I would lock the driver side to the location of the player...
Quote from dev :I would lock the driver side to the location of the player...

No, not if you are in a team.

If your team is competing in an endurance series, you will need to swap drivers during the race. So lets just say one is from the UK and the other is from Germany. They would agree on a position of either left or right (...duh).
#8 - dev
Quote from niall09 :No, not if you are in a team.

If your team is competing in an endurance series, you will need to swap drivers during the race. So lets just say one is from the UK and the other is from Germany. They would agree on a position of either left or right (...duh).

Use the first drivers car Problem solved :P
#9 - Woz
IMHO You should only be able to select your side ONCE for your player profile and then it should be locked.

Changing sides for different tracks is just lame and not realistic. Nobody has 2 cars with driver setup on different sides.

For enduro with driver change lock to first ddriver, as others have said.
My friend has two cars (IRL), and other's wheel is on the left side, others on the right side.

See, it is possible to have that in real life...
#11 - dev
Quote from Gekkibi :My friend has two cars (IRL), and other's wheel is on the left side, others on the right side.

See, it is possible to have that in real life...

Can he drive one of those cars sitting on one side, and tomorrow drive the same car sitting on the other side? I think not...
Well, no. But what if those cars would be the same model? Then it would be possible. And if you want your kind of realism, shouldn't it be so you can choose once per car if it has wheel on left or right..? And also you should lock the skin.

To talk about other realism; Who owns Morris Mini, random FWD ,random RWD, two kit-cars, FWD with turbo, RWD with turbo, AWD with turbo, Raceabout, rear-engine RWD, 5 different GTR cars, Formula SAE and 4 other formula-cars at the same time..?

This is going to be really ridiculous off-topic...
Well the option is already there anyways... I can go buzz about for a few laps, change my driving side via option menu, and keep racing. Having it in the pit menu is just more convienient. I've never personally tried driving on the right hand side in LFS, but I imagine I wouldn't run as fast lap times, because I'm comfortable on the left side.
We have a mini-type car, a FWD runabout, several RWD cars, a couple of kit cars, until recently a FWD with turbo, two 4WD turbo, a couple of rear engined RWD, no GTRs, no Raceabout, and one single seater.

They have their steering wheels on various sides, but they always stay the same. HUGE job to change sides.
I'd also like the driver side locked into player's account or by the cars. But last time I opened my mouth the welcome wasn't very warm. Now there are people who agree, wohoo
#16 - DeMS
Quote from Woz :IMHO You should only be able to select your side ONCE for your player profile and then it should be locked.

Changing sides for different tracks is just lame and not realistic. Nobody has 2 cars with driver setup on different sides.

For enduro with driver change lock to first ddriver, as others have said.

Completely agree but one thing :
- Have the option to get the side swapped in the event you move to another country via a moderator or similar way that forces it to not to be too often.
#17 - Woz
Quote from frokki :I'd also like the driver side locked into player's account or by the cars. But last time I opened my mouth the welcome wasn't very warm. Now there are people who agree, wohoo

How dare you bring up such as idea.

ooooooo, very cold "welcome" heading your way lol
Maybe a server option would be a good compromise. driverside=left/right/changeable
#21 - dev
I don't think anybody should be able to choose driverside.

Just for every car fix it for everybody! Otherwise some people would have an advantage because they choose something when they first got lfs and others will always have disavantage. Also, everybody will choose they same option which is best for te track.

I think there are two possibilitys:
Leave it as it is
remove drivesside option from lfs, each car locked in position. For example, rac is more european-> left side, lx6 more brittish -> right side, gtr' s all left etc.
changeable driver side on setup? Yes, why not? Not all cars have left steering wheel, and vice versa. I like realism in this game, but not an uber realism. this is still a computer, so we can use the benefits of it, if we can easily change driver sides, let's do it, as long as it doesn't affect the physics' realism...

About those "lock the driver sides" replies, ok, let's also lock skins and paintjobs then. If you don't want to change your driver side, just don't.
#24 - Jakg
Quote from KiRmelius :No, it's not.

IIRC US Postal Vans often have setups like this so that they are kerb-side when they park to make it easier to deliver stuff.
Postal cars in Finland has their wheel on right side, unlike "all" other cars in here. It is due to the fact that they can drop the mail to mailbox without leaving the car, or if they'll have to leave they don't have to circle to the other side of a car to reach mailbox. Makes the mail delivery much faster.