The online racing simulator
LFS Admin & Race Rotator
(88 posts, started )
#51 - MR_B
With regards to the restriction feature...... What does it do exactly, does it just say to people "hi, stick x% on your intake please" or does it spectate their backsides? Or just looks pretty and does nothing?
Well, Unless you have recovered a bug. It's ment to say, either "^7Added mass is too low, !restrict for more info" or "^7Intake restriction too low, '!restrict' for more info". And then spec them.

The only bug ive just found is, ive hardcoded the "!" which needs to be variable.
Its just a readme for your program
[Current Version -]
  • Added command "cancel" for admins to cancel a restart if needed.
  • Fixed some issues with the restrictions(Note: If you had version 1.0.4, Please download this version - Restrictions dont work as intended in 1.0.4
[Current Version]

If anyone wants to try this before downloading, Feel free to goto "mcgas001 S1/2" and have a little play with it.(If the server is private, Please go there another time, It means im making updates )
I'm having a problem with the restriction feature. My rest.txt file looks like this...


!restrict shows me the correct values. But for me to join in an FXO, I have to have both IR and ballast over 20. Not 0% IR and 20kg ballast, as I expected, but I have to set it to 21% IR and 21kg ballast. The same applies for LX4, I need 6% and 6kg or I get kicked to spectate.

The limits appear to be tied to each other somehow. It looks very promising if you can sort that out though.

edit: beaten by 2 minutes! Getting new version now!
Talk about service! A fixed version uploaded while I'm typing up a bug report. Works great now. Thanks again!
(mcgas001) DELETED by mcgas001 : Gonna do it anyway.
[Current Version -]
  • Fixed a little bug i found in "restart" command, Basically it would constantly try to restart.
[Current Version]
(Leprekaun) DELETED by Leprekaun : Got it working
Little :bump:
I believe there is a little bug with the way the auto restart works. I cant seem to reproduce it, nor can I see anything obivous. If anyone spots this error, And finds a valid way to reproduce it. Please tell me. I need to get this fixed. Thanks
Quote from mcgas001 :Little :bump:
I believe there is a little bug with the way the auto restart works. I cant seem to reproduce it, nor can I see anything obivous. If anyone spots this error, And finds a valid way to reproduce it. Please tell me. I need to get this fixed. Thanks

Whenever I start the process, I get a message in the cmd window saying 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.'

What's the problem here?
Quote from benjie.13 :Whenever I start the process, I get a message in the cmd window saying 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.'

What's the problem here?

You have prolly set something up wrong in the setup file. Although..Im sure I made some special exceptions to handle them.

Would you mind posting both the setup files. (setup.txt and rest.txt). So, I can just double check. Cheers
Quote from mcgas001 :You have prolly set something up wrong in the setup file. Although..Im sure I made some special exceptions to handle them.

Would you mind posting both the setup files. (setup.txt and rest.txt). So, I can just double check. Cheers

There ya go
Attached files
rest.txt - 319 B - 251 views
Setup.txt - 758 B - 256 views
E: Im acutally wrong. you must have had a space somewhere. Make sure you delete all white spaces back to the next '#' and it will work fine with no restrictions.
Quote from mcgas001 :E: Im acutally wrong. you must have had a space somewhere. Make sure you delete all white spaces back to the next '#' and it will work fine with no restrictions.

Still doesn't work.
Quote from benjie.13 :Still doesn't work.

Well, I just did exactly that with your setup files and mine loaded fine. Try this one....
Attached files
rest.txt - 315 B - 218 views
Quote from mcgas001 :Well, I just did exactly that with your setup files and mine loaded fine. Try this one....

Thankyou very much, works a treat! It's a great tool!

Thanks again
To anyone whos intrested. Ive found that bug that makes the program restart constantly, Or atleast try too. Due to a limitation of LFS_External 1.04 (The only one out at the time I made this) I cannot fix it. What Im going to be doing though. I will convert the InSim code to my own, and then remove the .lib file. All you will then need is the .exe and the setup files. Im not sure how long this is gonna take me, As I basically have to rewrite the whole program. That said, It will be better for me anyway. kinda silly I didnt notice this bug before tbh, But I will get it fixed asap.
I've been using and then for a few weeks now and I haven't noticed any issues with restarts. I'm running it on Ubuntu using mono.

It all works as advertised for me.
Quote from Danke :I've been using and then for a few weeks now and I haven't noticed any issues with restarts. I'm running it on Ubuntu using mono.

It all works as advertised for me.

It will work normally, Providing you dont let the auto restart get muddled up. Try this....

Load the program. Do a one lap race, Then the auto restart becomes active. Then leave the server, Then rejoin. Keep waiting and you will see it will just constantly try to restart. This also happens if you go into quali mode.
I did run into some errors tonight. Somehow insim got turned off in my LFS dedi, which of course brought down your app. I was able to restart it, and it worked for a while, then it started dying with this error...

LFS Admin & Race Rotator V1.0.4.3
Connecting to InSim....

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ConsoleBase.Program.MSO (IS_MSO MSO) [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_Packets/IS_MSO (LFS_External.InSim.Packets/IS_MSO)
at LFS_External.InSim.Events.CallEventMSO (IS_MSO MSO) [0x00000]
at LFS_External.InSim.ParsePacket.DoParse (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000]
at LFS_External.InSim.clsTCP.DoListen () [0x00000]

Not sure if that's the restart bug you mentioned above or not. I tried to re-initialize insim on the dedi and restart the app, but the same thing happened again.
Quote from Danke :I did run into some errors tonight. Somehow insim got turned off in my LFS dedi, which of course brought down your app. I was able to restart it, and it worked for a while, then it started dying with this error...

LFS Admin & Race Rotator V1.0.4.3
Connecting to InSim....

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ConsoleBase.Program.MSO (IS_MSO MSO) [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_Packets/IS_MSO (LFS_External.InSim.Packets/IS_MSO)
at LFS_External.InSim.Events.CallEventMSO (IS_MSO MSO) [0x00000]
at LFS_External.InSim.ParsePacket.DoParse (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000]
at LFS_External.InSim.clsTCP.DoListen () [0x00000]

Not sure if that's the restart bug you mentioned above or not. I tried to re-initialize insim on the dedi and restart the app, but the same thing happened again.

Not sure what that is tbh, Dont know why it kept happening even after a restart. That said, The next version should have an auto reconnect feature.


In version 2 Im working and rewoking on a lot of stuff. I have removed all the !kick, !ban, !spec commands. Im reworking them into an interface, As seen in the pic attached.

PS: You will not see yourself and the host in the release version, I changed the code purely so I could show you.
Attached images
Ooh, I like the "punishment options"! Can you add "slap upside the head" and "beat with a wet noodle"?
I'll get my gimp mask out the cupboard...
Excellent work... We have added it to our server and it works like a dream.... So a big thanks from ICON Racing

Is there anyway of displaying a message once users are in the server explaining the restrictions we've applied?
nice programm

but with a vote track like type !votefe2 fpr Fern bay club or !votebl1 for blackwood gp , you will be my GOD
Quote from Pantera70 :Excellent work... We have added it to our server and it works like a dream.... So a big thanks from ICON Racing

Thank you.

Quote from Pantera70 :
Is there anyway of displaying a message once users are in the server explaining the restrictions we've applied?

I could add this into the next version I'm working on, Although when you leave the pits, If the restriction is wrong or too low. They will receive a message telling them to check "restrict" menu.

Quote from otolikos :nice programm

but with a vote track like type !votefe2 fpr Fern bay club or !votebl1 for blackwood gp , you will be my GOD

There is a possibility for me to add this, I will have a think. And possibly add it to my list of stuff todo.

For anyone interested: I am still working on V2, Only I have 101 different things to do at the moment. Like find a job, and other projects(Life ). It will come soon, Just be patient.

LFS Admin & Race Rotator
(88 posts, started )