The online racing simulator
#1 - Tribe
Changing the default message colour.
I am wanting to know if there is a way to change the DEFAULT colour of your messages. so tha when i press t, type a message and press enter it is automaticly yellow or blue or green or anything
Nope, Not that im aware!
#3 - e61
I see that this thread is about 2 years old.
Has there been any change in this?
I wan't to set default text colour to default white...
perhaps a script?

idk if it can get this specific, but it would be like when you press t, it presses ctrl-3 or something
You can by a script but it's a pain in the ass. Just press Ctrl and clikc like every other bloody person!
#6 - SEV7N
Default Colour
I figured something out that works, In logitech profiler you can record keys you press,..."select keys" records 1 key, but "select command" records untill you stop. so,, i pressed t, then ctr+3 or 4...what ever now every time i press a certain button the chat thing comes up and is already the color i want.