Cant thank you lot enough for recommending me Richard Burns Rally, its awesome, added a few mods to upgrade its graphics abit, had to install latest G25 drivers too (RBR was stuck on 900 degrees for some reason, new driver install fixed it). BTW Sold-Out software is producing it again for those that still want it, got mine from Amazon
Just wow, amazing physics and so much fun, first hour and a half into it and just finished all the rally school tests on perfect
So yea, thanks for the recommendation, this game is an amazing experience. Now if I can just finish a stage without doing;
1. A barrel roll
2. A 900 degree spin into a ditch
3. A 100mph crash into a tree
4. .....missing the damn bridges
5. Getting lost \o/
Anyone got a decent G25 setup for this, the feedback is rather weak, but that might just be me after getting used to the best feedback game I have ever used LFS
Didnt order GT Legends, still quite unsure about it. I downloaded the latest rFactor from the website yesterday and turned the mode to professional and it wasnt too bad actually. rFactor and GT legends are both £17.99 from and RF seems quite extensive taking in community made mods. What do you lot think? Thanks again