The online racing simulator
Bug all cars
(29 posts, started )
Quote from Echo51 :30 FPS is what humans can see if im not wrong, but autist, like me and some i know can see up to 80, which makes the glow tube light actually blink, giving huge headaches

Didn't knew that, got to be bottering

But as you say, I have heared that human eye can "see" and react on 30 FPS. But then some people means it higher, lower etc, and in the end it might varry a lot from person to person.

And, it's a matter of adapting. When I play AOC, like I have done the last month I usually has like crappy FPS below 30, but still seems smoth on like 15-20 FPS, and excelent at 30 FPS. In LFS when I play that I need to have 40-50FPS before I feel it goes "smoth", ofc the speed of the gameplay is faster in LFS, but I'm talking not about slowdown effect, more like a sirup effect that makes it sluggish and slow.
Maybe it varry's from game to game, I don't know, but I know that different people will have differnet point of veiw on what's "smooth" FPS.
Maybe it's based on your reaction or something, who knows?
Quote from theirishnoob :yours eyes see at 25-35 fps so thats the ideal fps...

15 would frustrate the life out of me.

also how do you manage to get it so low ??

even my 128 mb AGP carded p4 tower can run lfs at 40-60 fps.

I run everything max, Full AA/AF and 1400:900 screen size and i see max frames of 200, and minimum 50 (that was when i spawned literally 40 NPCs.)

May i ask, how are you getting 40-60 on a 128MB AGP card? What card is it anyways?
whats that for a graphic ? :-)) Tetris Grafics
i play lfs with the same hardware to play pong

Bug all cars
(29 posts, started )