Hi this is my first skin. i think it turned out pretty good. i used to using photoshop too so i hoped it would. it's a bit rough, so if anyone wants to clean up the lines they can. Attached images
That's a nice first skin! Good job And now some help, for detailed logos of LOT of brands: http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/ And for skinning kits\templates of LFS cars (believe me they help a lot) http://www.lfs-gear.com/kitz.html Happy skinning!
umm...i know there's already a police skin for the UF1, but i was wondering if someone could make a british police version?
No the green is great, awesome shape, but even when i look in the skinfile.. Its all cut like looking.. it should be smooth being one of the best skinners around here :P.
Here's the FZR's Hyundai livery fitted to her little sister. A simple design but I think quite effective Render: In-game: Skin: http://www.ice-files.com/alheeley/UF/UF1_hyundai.jpg
Quote from Stew2000 :It was so simple I couldn't resist Can't call that much of a skin really.. please put more effort in it next time.
I've got two skins here. These are my first for the UF1. First of is just a Mini Cooper skin. With a Union Flag on the roof, Mini Cooper crest and stripe on the side. The other is a very simple Mr Bean car, with padlock and bolt on the side. Attached images
Quote from DTrott :I've got two skins here. These are my first for the UF1. First of is just a Mini Cooper skin. With a Union Flag on the roof, Mini Cooper crest and stripe on the side. The other is a very simple Mr Bean car, with padlock and bolt on the side. Simple yet awesome
Quote from SkinMan :What do you think? Looks great in the viewer. but without an actual 3D engine it just won't have the same effect. How about releasing the skin without the engine
Quote from SkinMan :What do you think? I know I'm not suppost to be poking around a S2 skin area but that is a fantastic skin!