Well, it does smoke a little, but not alot. Atm, its running fine. I do have it a little on the rich side though. I think the lack of smoke would be down to the fact of there being little oil in the fuel (?).
I had a go with it in the snow today, was great fun
@ Harjun. The force 32. is an pretty decent engine, but i would look for something else. When i get back home, i will get some links for you on recomended engines. Also, i really would'nt recommend getting two engines. As was said before, RC is an expensive hobby so getting two would be quite expensive. Also, if your using the buggy for offroading (which i gather you will since its a buggy), i would leave getting two engines and just get one good one. Getting two would be a little two much, and would add weight, which you dont really want when going fast or doing jumps.