The only thing that keeps me from doing it is my mom, I wouldnt want to put her in a spot like that. I go to church once a year to make her feel good and I wouldnt want to spoil that moment for her because I know it means a lot to her that I am even there. That is where she chooses to spend her Sundays, I dont want her to feel uncomfortable in her "second home". But, this is part of my point, one of the reasons I dont do it (calling out the pastor) to her, or her pastor, is because I respect her beliefs and wouldnt ever try to change what she believes, I just wish christians that Im around a lot would do the same for me.
I made up my mind about religion the first time my religious instructor insisted I was a sinner. I couldn't have possibly been a better kid growing up. I'm proud I was able to make up my own mind at such a young age.
Many years later when I was in high school it became obvious that I made the right choice. I entered a basketball tournament with a friend of mine (who's family is really religious). I thought it was just a normal mini-camp, but it turned out to be some religious camp that he kind of tricked my friends and I into joining. Two things stick out in my mind from that camp (but there were several other things that made me angry).
1) At one point I was forced to have a 1 on 1 talk with some religious guy. He asked me what my plans were after high school. Naturally I told him I was accepted to some college, blah blah blah. Then he basically stated I was making a mistake and should join his religious group instead. He spent several minutes trying to convince me but being the nice friendly atheist I am, instead of punching his face in I listened to his BS and left quietly.
2) One of the preachers there was ranting on and on for 30 minutes about how money was the root of all evil. When he got to the climax of his speech the money basket landed in my lap...
I'm never going to subject my kids to any of that. I will teach them about the various religions myself and they can choose to believe in whatever they want.
Saddam Hussein wrote checks for 20k US to the families of suicide bombers in Palestine every time one went off. Funny thing was, it went through arafat first and he got his cut. Yeah and he was pretty public about doing that. What he did clandestine - we'll never know, but I think with the way he had to use his resources to control his own country in the way that he did, I doubt it was an awful lot though.
I'm going to laugh pretty hard when Iran finally builds and detonates it's bomb. and the same people that call us interventionists and all will turn around and DEMAND that WE do something. And I think we should...LOL but we should make them "pray for forgiveness" first
(sorry had to throw that in - you know to keep with the God topic :shrug
What am I saying? Y'all will be convinced it will be our fault and the conspiracy nuts will have "ample proof" that Cheney and that Aberzan dude were in cahoots all along.
What really sucks about Palestine now is with the split, Hamas got control of the coastline. Man can you imagine how lame it would be to go to the beach and catch some rays and check out the babes - IN BURKHAS???? Man, that's gotta suck.
That's merely humanitarian aid. The Israelis had (have?) the nasty habit of demolishing the house of any Palestinian involved in an attack (i.e. guy blows himself up => parents become homeless).
sounds like encouragement for further suicide attacks. Most of the time it is the parents who instruct their young men to perform a suicide attack so it seems like a proper punishment to me.
Wish I could see the world in black & white absolutes like some people on this forum. Life would be so much simpler. I certainly wouldn't have to think before I said anything. I'd just see a world full of "good guys" and "bad guys": good guys only do good things, bad guys only do bad things. No shades of grey anywhere: no good guys doing bad things; no good guys bribing, bullying or coercing bad guys to do bad things to other bad guys (until it no longer suits the good guys, at which time the deal's off and the bad guy is finally treated as such); no bad guys doing the same; no bad guys doing good things (oh, heavens no); no bad guys who might actually have a legitimate complaint about how they're being treated by the good guys (who ignore them - they're only bad guys after all); no countries full of a mix of good and bad guys, nothing like that at all. Nothing that actually resembles the world we live in.
Yep, as good guys (the only other option being a bad guy), we must destroy the bad guys and no rules shall ever apply to how we conduct ourselves. If you're not with the good guys, you're with the bad guys, and the only good bad guy is a dead bad guy. So saddle up & pick a side. Simple. Yeah, I really wish I could see the word like a goddam Chuck Norris film.
I wish too...
We call those kind of ppl "timber" here.
Being a timber would bring some averages like judging without any boundaries, talking without thinking, saying without knowing,
believing all the "news" created by media's pro liars etc..
Oh is that what they call it over there? Around here we call that sort of thing an incentive bonus. You know, like the 72 virgins in the afterlife and the really cool video you get to make saying good bye?
That's what they call it here, too. Israel has a long history of inflicting cruel and unusual punishment. The US has, too. And you guys say Sharia law is bad? LOL!
On what sources do you base that? Do you really think that a Palestinian mother likes her son to blow himself to pieces? That the father tells him what target he should choose, and gives him some explosives that were left in the shed? Do you think the only role of Hamas and Hezbollah is to stand by and watch approvingly?
Yes. When someone commits a crime, it is not allowed to punish the relatives of the criminal, provided that they had no role in the crime. And if they do become the target of revenge, then they deserve support. At least, that's how it is in Europe and other civilized regions. Not sure about the US, though.
I'm sorry if this has been posted already but there is some "scientific proof" on YouTube that god exists
:tempted: :something
Considering the prolific use of the tactic of suicide bombing, i would say that human life has little to no worth in Palestine so yes I think if she had $20,000 waiting for her (each) afterwards she would definitely send her child out to kill a few Israelis. The stated goal of Hamas in their charter is to exterminate Israel and all of the Jews so yes that is their only role.
Mothers of martyrs are reported as happy that they die. One mother of a Palestinian suicide bomber who had blown himself to bits said "with a resolutely cheerful countenance,
"I was very happy when I heard. To be a martyr, that's something. Very few people can do it. I prayed to thank God. I know my son is close to me."34
Quote: Q: What about the parents of these children? A: The reaction of parents can be surprising. Poverty and illiteracy play a major role in determining their beliefs. In Southern Afghanistan, many of the families I spoke with were proud of the fact that their young sons—some less than 15 years old—had glorified the name of Islam by "attacking the enemy."
5. Official and parental complicity: The Palestinian Authority Ministry for Youth and Sport also oversees summer camps that are designed to recruit children to carry out attacks against Israel. At the camps, the children are subject to incitement, and are trained to use weapons for future attacks against Israel.
In many cases, Palestinian children dress up as a "shaheed" (martyr) with their parents' consent. Indeed, these children are often encouraged to do so by their parents. More and more cases are coming to light of children participating in processions, wearing replicas of explosive belts and inscriptions declaring that they are martyrs. This brings to mind the photograph of the baby recently discovered in Hebron. The photograph showed a baby wearing a replica explosive belt and a headband declaring that the baby was a martyr for "Allah". There is no doubt that this phenomenon has a destructive influence on the education of children who are instilled with the culture of the Jihad. These children are then easily recruited by terrorist organizations for the purpose of carrying out attacks.
I expect that you can find more sources, yourself. I used "parents of terrorists" as the Google search term, and only read through a few of the returns.
In case it is warfare: actively targeting noncombatants is wrong, too.
The problem in the Israel - Palestine conflict is that it is neither official warfare between states (which has been regulated to a high degree), nor fighting between citizens of a state (which is regulated by the state's law). The fighting takes place in a legal "no man's land", leaving room for atrocities, and impunity for those who commit them.
I think you can see the parallel with the US War on Terror and the legal status of Guantanamo Bay.
Insufficient. The original claim, which I questioned, was that parents are
(1) the primary forces in stimulating fighters
(2) the fighters are suicide bombers (= certain death)
(3) it's encouragement before the act, not consent afterwards.
None of your quotes cover all 3 points.
Utter nonsense. A similar argument: Bush has willingly sent US troops to Iraq where 1000s of them died, therefore human life has no value for him, therefore he will happily let his kids be butchered if he's paid a tenner.
Wrong, as has been said earlier. Hamas wants to end the existence of the state of Israel, not extermination of all its inhabitants, let alone of all Jewish people.
wow to hear them tell it, you would think they have a thing against the civilians of Israel. I guess every election speech by hamas officials is taken out of context though.
Lots of people (including, I believe, most of the UN) want to end the existence of the state of Israel, including every Jew I know (from secular Jews to Orthodox Jews). I'm all for the end of the state of Israel. It's fundamentally against the teachings of the Torah (not that I care, but it is). Being against the existence of the state of Israel has nothing to do with wanting to kill or harm Jews at all.
Theodor Herzl, the Founder of Zionism(Israel is a zionist state)
Herzl stated in his diary:
“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)