Well I have, in my opinion, quite the nice CRT monitor, considering its age. It is a ViewSonic UltraBrite E70f+, bought brand new in 2003. It has been on daily, for maybe 9-10 hours a day, since I bought it. For a year I would shut the monitor off after use, but I started just leaving it in standby. I've always used 1024x768 32bit @ 85hz, and occasionally 1280@75hz.
Lately, I've noticed it takes a while to 'warm up' For instance, If I turn the computer off at night, and turn it all back in the next morning, my monitor takes 5-10 minutes to achieve its full brightness, colour balancing, and dimensions. It seems odd, It's always had a little 'warm up' time, but I don't recall anything near 5 minutes. However, once the monitor is 'warmed up' it will keep it's amazing quality for as long as I leave the monitor on. It makes no noise, generates no warmth, and it has been cleaned out thoroughly three times.
Any idea if my monitor might actually be dying?
I sure hope not, do any other CRT users experience this?
Lately, I've noticed it takes a while to 'warm up' For instance, If I turn the computer off at night, and turn it all back in the next morning, my monitor takes 5-10 minutes to achieve its full brightness, colour balancing, and dimensions. It seems odd, It's always had a little 'warm up' time, but I don't recall anything near 5 minutes. However, once the monitor is 'warmed up' it will keep it's amazing quality for as long as I leave the monitor on. It makes no noise, generates no warmth, and it has been cleaned out thoroughly three times.
Any idea if my monitor might actually be dying?
