OK, you think it's a terrible idea, but could you please explain why you think that? Because segregation is bad? Are you trying to say I'm discriminating?

Also, I don't understand why you act so offended?

I agree with you when you say drifting is a competitive motorsport and it's actually great that LFS can provide it. There is nothing that pisses me off about upcoming drift events. I don't have anything against drifters, at all. It's not my cup of tea (mainly because I suck at it) but that doesn't mean I don't respect them for what they do.
My point is that this forum generally isn't very tolerant towards non-racers, which results in stupid discussions and flame wars that can only harm LFS and scare potential license buyers. If that thread you mention is the only race vs drift issue you've seen, I think you've either not been around for very long, or you don't spend enough time here. Look at Ian.H's signature from some posts above for the closest example I can find. Can't be arsed to search for example threads but I'm sure you can find loads.
If my suggestion is applied, I don't see a reason for the subject drift to be discussed in the racing forum..? So I think that what you're saying isn't applicable.
Taking your post into account, here's a short balance how I see it - for a separate forum section for drift and cruise;
- segregation is discrimination (?)
+ no more flaming wars destroying LFS' credibility
+ drifters/cruisers won't have to start every post with "please don't flame me"
+ racers don't have to have anything to do with cruise/drift
+ cruisers/drifters don't have to have anything to do with racers
Edit: took me way too long to write this hence some overlap with STROBE's (very nice) post