System of a down is pop?
(72 posts, started )
Quote :Nine Inch Nails down are pure pop music

Well, they've never been as good as Swans.

And SOAD is poo
Quote from MAGGOT :If you classify HIM as metal, then SOAD is too. Either way, though, who gives a toss? Do you like it? Listen to it. If you don't, don't listen to it. Simple as that.

I mainly listen to metal and hardcore, admittedly, but I also have a lot of classical, adult alternative, acoustic, etc etc. There's even a little bit of dance/techno/house/whatever-the-hell-it's-called in my collection. If you're just trying to be a metal head to fit into a certain category you're a tool, end of story. Don't artificially limit your tastes.

Oh yea, Slipknot and many other metal bands use a lot of computer-driven effects, too, and you list them as pure metal.

Sorry,but you got me wrong. I am NOT thinking that soad and him is metal,and im not limiting myself to metal . I listen to jazz,blues,classic too. Metalhead does not show your look it shows your music taste. Metal keeps my going ,pop makes me angry or sad,jazz,classic and blues relax me
Quote from Neblaivas :Well i dont like idea behind pop music. I listen to what I like ,but pop music with unnatural instruments (pc made) so I just can't listen

So that pretty much means you don't like 80's electronica? :jawdrop:

You're missing out fella, you're missing out...
haha.. no we're not...
Quote from Bladerunner :SYSTEM of a Down.....Bah..average....

ALBANY Down Innovative, raw,

REAL metal (the list above) ???? WHAT ARE YOU ON??
Real metal is Zepp, Maiden, Sabbath, Aerosmith, Motorhead, AC\DC...get the idea???

you forgot the finnish, Children of bodom. thats the best metal ever
Quote from Neblaivas :Well im kinda metalhead but in last week a lot of people telling me that SOAD IZ PURE TEH METAL. Their songs get boring really fast(i can listen to metal songs quite long time,but all poprock gets boring in few times) vocalist try to be cool ,but everything they do sound like pop or atleast not real heavy music as linkin park,papa roach,tokio hotel,him,manson,slipknot,avril ant simmilar crap. Am i wrong and soad is pure metal,rock or some newkind(new metal?)

Quote from Neblaivas :not real heavy music as linkin park

This made me lol too.

That said, I certainly don't limit my listening to bands that have been approved 'metal enough' by other people.

"Yes, this band has an appropriate level of metal - you are allowed to listen to them"
Quote from Neblaivas : linkin park,papa roach,tokio hotel,him,manson,slipknot,avril and soad

are Pop music...

Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Motorhead - Metal
Led Zep, metal? Not where I'm from. That's more your good ole' classic rock.
Also, Marilyn Manson and Slipknot are hardly pop. The only bands/artists out of that list that I consider pop are Tokio Hotel and Avril Lavigne.
it's New Metal AKA "NuMetal"
I got in trouble the other day with my partner for calling something thrash metal instead of black metal, to me it just isnt worth the drama, but I was on notice I tell yer!
Quote from zeugnimod :Also, Marilyn Manson and Slipknot are hardly pop.

when they start paying more attention to the music than to their makeup - I will reconsider
Quote from squidhead :when they start paying more attention to the music than to their makeup - I will reconsider

Alot of manson's music has meaning behind them.
Besides, his make-up is terribly applied.

Not really into Slipknot, so i wouldn't know.
Quote from Bladerunner :Real metal is Zepp, Maiden, Sabbath, Aerosmith, Motorhead, AC\DC...get the idea???

I'm not usually into genre masturbation, but when A is called B, that gets my attention. At least three bands you listed are not metal. Calling theme heavy metal is as inaccurate as it was in the seventies. Influenced yes but mainly that, no way.

Quote from deggis :I'm not usually into genre masturbation, but when A is called B, that gets my attention. At least three bands you listed are not metal. Calling theme heavy metal is as inaccurate as it was in the seventies. Influenced yes but mainly that, no way.


I suggest you try and have a peek at THIS FILM/DOCUMENTARY on the origins of Metal
What that proves? The fact all loud music was called heavy metal in 70s?

Even that you are 30 years older than me, I beg to differ
#43 - Woz
Can't believe this is still going.

What happens if a "metal" band put out a song that is softer or different to the norm? Do they become soft rock or are they metal but have done soft rock tracks? And why does any of it matter?

If you are the sort of person that worries about what category is given to the music a band puts I would have to argue that you are just a sad wanabe and not actually a music fan. You only care about the image you think that category gives you.

The ONLY thing that matters is that to your ears it is MUSIC. Life if too short to worry about pointless label calling, it means NOTHING
#44 - wien
Quote from Woz :The ONLY thing that matters is that to your ears it is MUSIC. Life if too short to worry about pointless label calling, it means NOTHING

Which is why my entire music collection is ripped sans genre onto my computer. I can't label the damn things correctly anyway, so why bother?

As far as I'm concerned there's two genres of music. Good music, and bad music. I prefer the former.
#45 - Woz
Quote from wien :As far as I'm concerned there's two genres of music. Good music, and bad music. I prefer the former.

lol. So true.
Quote from Tweaker :System of a Down is a genre for stupidity that doesn't sound like music at all.

When you say "genre for stupidity," what exactly do you mean? It seems to me that addressing issues like social injustice and political corruption is about as far away from stupidity as a band can get. Perhaps you didn't understand the message....

That being said... no, I wouldn't consider System of a Down to be pop. More like hard-rock with an interesting Armenian pan-flute philosophy twist. Somebody like Deicide, or Cannibal Corpse, or even Slayer... now that's metal.

Pop is more along the lines of Britney Spears and Micheal Jackson type stuff over here, although it has snuck its way into punk and made a blood thirtsy 13-year-old girl eating monster out of it...

While we're sort-of on the subject, I'm not as crazy about the new Serj Tankian album as I was about the first one with the band. Steal This Album was excellent as well....
I care for such issues, but not for horrible sounding 'music' that has to address them. Because I guarantee you that when a majority of people listen to them, they do NOT like them for what they are talking about... only for how they sound. That is what my point was. Their music sounds horrible, and if you want someone to understand issues like that, you can find much better sources than SOAD.

But hey, we all have our own preference
SOAD is dead, isnt it ?
Quote from Tweaker :Because I guarantee you that when a majority of people listen to them, they do NOT like them for what they are talking about... only for how they sound.

I understand now what you meant about "genre for stupidity", but can't necessarily agree. It's the people themselves that one could consider stupid for not listening to the message, not the genre. Take the Beatles... arguably one of the most influencial bands of all time, one with a definite message. However many people, having never taken a whole bunch of acid and really listened to Sgt. Peppers, simply like the catchy melodies, etc... Would you say the Beatles fit into a genre for stupidity? There will always be stupid people, and they will always listen to music. To classify the music they listen to because of their intelligence level... doesn't make sense to me.

System of a down is pop?
(72 posts, started )