I discovered a bug in IS_REO in 1.5 beta. I have fixed it, but it haven't had time to make a full binary release, plus it's the only small change. If you plan to use IS_REO then you should update pyinsim.py and replace the current IS_REO with the following class.
This fix will be in the next release.
class IS_REO:
def __init__(self, ReqI=0, NumP=0, PLID=[]):
self.Size = 36
self.Type = ISP_REO
self.ReqI = ReqI
self.NumP = NumP
self.PLID = PLID
def pack(self):
return struct.pack('BBBB32B', self.Size, self.Type, self.ReqI, self.NumP, *self.PLID)
def unpack(self, data):
self.Size, self.Type, self.ReqI, self.NumP = struct.unpack('BBBB', data[:4])
self.PLID = struct.unpack('32B', data[4:])
This fix will be in the next release.