The online racing simulator
the f******g barrier again
(18 posts, started )
the f******g barrier again
OK, we all know that stupid barrier bug. But look at my replay, this happened to me first time (i know, i'm the best driver )

I drove IN the barrier, and flyed, while i tried to exit
Attached files
bug.mpr - 25 KB - 349 views
And making this threads helps how? This issue has existed since LFS started, I really think those who need to know, know, as does everyone on this forum, anyone who's ever played LFS, many who haven't, and even Mrs Jones' three legged dog knows about barriers in LFS.

Old news.
Maybe merge with all the other threads with the same topic?

(Still not back yet, folks)
#4 - Ian.H
Quote from Bob Smith :And making this threads helps how? This issue has existed since LFS started, I really think those who need to know, know

[ snip ]

That may be the case, but it's a shame those who know haven't done anything about it since LFS started... but hey! supporting [racist language removed] chars for displays is far _far_ more important than the racing aspect in a race sim :rolleyes:

It's fine saying those who know, know.. but if no action has been taken in what, 4-5 years, it's not surprising it's brought up again (and again and again). One may even think that one is talking to a brick wall, so to speak


In all honesty, I doubt that we would have the weight/air restriction system (ballast&handicaps) in place without the constant forum noise. Same with the starts system and the increase of the maximum amount of players on servers.

AutoX deserves to be fixed imho. The fact that the barriers are broken has and does severely limit the way you can use them. But then the collision system needs an update as well. Adding few autoX objects shouldn't be major task along with some big autocross area, in addition of fixing the autoX objects. For example, this would greatly increase the chances of seeing and racing the MRT online, a car that is pretty dead atm. The autoX system is something LFS has and other don't. It is a great tool that can be used to create tracks and other stuff but is still seen so rarely online. Atm. autoX is so broken that it can't be taken seriously imho . Improving the autoX would also bring some more content, quite easily as well.

Maybe this is one of the issues that need a small push at times, even if it is an annoyance to hear the same thing all the time?
I totally agree it would be great to have it fixed - I'm quite partial to the MRT and have made the odd layout for it. Autocross is one area for which LFS holds the niche but it is not using it to its potential.

I'll be the first to admit that these forums have been great for bringing things up the devs haven't thought about - clutch pack diffs for example, and the later addition of pre-load - but I don't see this as one of those issues. Scawen has commented on it before and said it would be looked into before S2 final.
this bug really needs fixing now as it's just not on to have a bug last "insert years here"
ruined a very fun race for me in olfsl and i bet it still wont get fixed
how can a clip cause a big air that skaters would be proud of?
Fernbay walls need fixing now
Yeah, ecspecially on the AutoX endurance races, where you are leading a perfect race, last lap and then you clip a barrier, touch the clouds, and come down for landing again. Drives me bonkers.
Well the collision system has cost me about 4 of my last 7 league races, which seriously puts me off racing LFS. To practice for 2 weeks then suddenly my car does a 360 going over the same kerb I have gone over 1000's of times before, is just not acceptable IMO in a racing sim. It is a complete lottery on some of the kerbs in LFS, which makes the claim to be a serious racing simulator almost laughable. As Ian pointed out, these bugs have been known about for years, yet nothing happens......
Why there isn't a sticky'ed 'How to report a Bug' thread beats me or, even better, an official list of 'known' bugs.

Until such time as either of those appear then repeated bug reports are inevitable.
its annoing if you hit the barriers and than fly
you dont fly in real life if you hit the barriers
Quote from Bass-Driver :its annoing if you hit the barriers and than fly
you dont fly in real life if you hit the barriers

yeah, the barriers fly instead
(sorry for bump and off-topic, had to say this)

isn't there a solution for that very well-known bug?
Quote from Bass-Driver :its annoing if you hit the barriers and than fly
you dont fly in real life if you hit the barriers

If you're not wearing your seatbelt, you might.
If you think about it, its not simple.
Sure, When you hit the barrier and u fly miles into the sky, its annoying.
But on the Cruise servers Barriers play a big part, so LFS wouldn't really want to have the barriers flying about everywhere, also on races you wouldn't want a barrier flying into your path while your racing clean and fair.
I think this will come in with the damage system (If there's gonna be 1 )

But yeah, they're annoying.
It's really not that big a deal in racing, unless you're on an AutoX layout. Which you shouldn't be crashing into anyway

Just because they're a problem on cruise servers doesn't mean that they are for racing. And remember the whole racing sim thing...
Well they will Stop Crying if you give it to them, And it doesnt seem a big job to make
But it probably is a big job. Were it just to change a couple of numbers, certainly it would be almost top priority. But if it is a big job (and I'd imagine it is, otherwise it'd have been done by now) there's more important things to be done
#18 - sun
It would be the best if when you hit a barrier, it slides along the floor like a cone....

the f******g barrier again
(18 posts, started )