The online racing simulator
Tecate and Visteon
Nice work Knight!

Here are a couple (not so accurate, but close 'nuff) Tecate and Visteon schemes for the VO8

edit added tecate and visteon names incase someone searches later
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Quote from RobbyMac :Nice work Knight!

Here are a couple (not so accurate, but close 'nuff) Tecate and Visteon schemes for the VO8

Great ones thanks RobbyMac
Quote from RobbyMac :Nice work Knight!

Here are a couple (not so accurate, but close 'nuff) Tecate and Visteon schemes for the VO8

edit added tecate and visteon names incase someone searches later

I made tht skin also but i thought it was a made up thing
Here is the skin i was on about (made on paint annoyingly as thats all i have )

It was based on my old toy car (making all 52 of others on LFS atm)

I didnt realise it was a proper skin, though its far more basic then the real skin, (im guessing for legal reasons) anyway here it is.

Do give coments and i think its uploaded so it can be used if anyone wants to.
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LFS __PC at oval.JPG
Damn thats quacking nice!
Quote from James Montgomery :Here is the skin i was on about (made on paint annoyingly as thats all i have )

It was based on my old toy car (making all 52 of others on LFS atm)

I didnt realise it was a proper skin, though its far more basic then the real skin, (im guessing for legal reasons) anyway here it is.

Do give coments and i think its uploaded so it can be used if anyone wants to.

That's pretty damn good for Paint! Get yourself something better, quick!
Quote from Burnzoire :That's pretty damn good for Paint! Get yourself something better, quick!

Thanks, ive been trying to get photoshop for ages, still cant get it

I've got other skins that im making atm, (remember is from my old car collection )

Will have another one ready by weekend.

(so bloody slow with paint)
Like i said, another skin coming, now finished.

This one is more basic, but like i said, only doing whats on the model/toy.

This one is based as a jaguar which is proud to be british (note the number plate and colour scheme)

If wants to use it, reply back and i will upload it with the skin as well.
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LFS J Pose.bmp
Save it as a jpeg and not a bitmap dude! Bitmaps are too big and so take longer to load and they don't show up as a preview.
Will do.
was bored, so made myself a Williams 93 skin. Its meant to be something like this, but with some changes from pictures that ive got in a huge F1 book, like the camel sponsors. some things i made up but only because i either couldnt find the logo that was on the car, or just to add something because the car is a different shape.

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nice DeKo i like those
heres the PSD if anybodys interested, its a mess of unnamed layers and random scrappy stuff but if its any use to anybody i might aswell post it.
Attached files - 1.6 MB - 473 views
time for a bit of the doctor,

Valentino Rossi

Not sure if i should put this skin as public hmm
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This one spawned from just messing about really, I'll release it if anyone wants it.

BSG Viper style Formula V8...
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For FOX and your are a Demo Racer !
that's odd...
Quote from Urban_Eagle1 :Does it matter whether im a demo racer or not? isnt this S2 barrier towards Demo racers techniqly Discrimination? Yeah i post on the lfsforum with a demo account, chances are some of you may have actually raced with me on S2, Im just wondering if they were made and the appropriet page they are on. Is that so hard to ask? Without this whole "OMG HIS DEMO HE MUST BE A CRACKER" crap, seriously i was just wondering if they exsisted and where i may find them.

There have been a lot of demo people posting screen shots of cars they cannot drive, even asking for cracks and admitting they use cracks.

That is why everyone is suspicious of demo user asking for skins for cars they cannot have, if you have S2 and would like a none demo skin or help with S2 issues I would login with your S2 account it would make things much easier.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure both skins you want are here but you'll have to try the, search this thread, option at the top right or look through each page. ... 1210&highlight=indeck
Quote from Bean0 :This one spawned from just messing about really, I'll release it if anyone wants it.

BSG Viper style Formula V8...

Great dirt effect there. will you release it?
BTCC - #77 Mike Jordan's Honda Integra Adaptation
Well this was kind of a compulsive skin idea... I was watching BTCC and always been wanting to skin Mike Jordan's car because it just kind of reminds me of a JGTC style or something. At first I was looking at the FXO and FXR, but I wanted to try something different and get it to fit nicely on the FO8. I completed this in about 6 hours today, and overall quite pleased, it does look pretty nice. Though, I guess John Guest has something to do with toilets, lol

Looks good with the gold wheels, or black wheels. All it needs now is some Dunlops (JustinZiarko's sidewall pack with yellow Torro looks good).


*Also note, I had a very limited supply of proper decals. Since this car is an independent team in BTCC, the sponsors are really just local small-business sponsors for the most part, so I had to do with what I could find... and some were too blurry for my liking. But still I did what I could.
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Very nice
Tweak, that skin looks awesome on the F08! Nice idea.

Edit: Can't see it mentioned anywhere in your post, is it a public skin? I would assume so as youv'e posted the skin file....

FORMULA Skins (XR & V8)
(1447 posts, started )