So what did we learn so far?
Although the physics eqautions used in this debate are not all that complicated, it is necesary to be using correct units. So for the temperature u have to be using Kelvins, for preassure you have to be using kPa, not Psi or any other, and for volume, you have to be using liter, not galons or whatever. Only then will those types of equations give you correct(ish) results.
Now without knowing the dynamic intyre temp rates, that the tires in lfs are prducing, we can't exactly calculate the preassure within the tyre at all times. And we would need to know the tyre expanding constant, which we do also not have, so any exact calculating of tyre preassure while driving can not be calculated. But it would be nice if scawen could give us intyre dynamic temp, just so we have soemthing more to look at while racing (i would love to have it).
OT: Now from thermal dynamics to governant dynamics: Scipy u no0bend, več si ionak prebrz, šta sad očeš i idealni grip atalltimes kalkulirati UPM
. UPM ->upizdumaterino
PS: Was a bit not necesary post, but just felt like writing something