Quote from Bladerunner :I dont think it's as good as they say....

Its BETTER!!!!!! Brilliant movie, fully deserves every award it gets...and more!

For the people with young (teen) daughters, I recommend sticking them in front of a TV with Twilight ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1099212/ ) showing...you will have guaranteed peace for just over two hours.
Emmy has already seen it about 50 times, and has it classified as her favouritist film of EVVAHHH!!!!

Screw Twilight. Every time I see one of those posters in a phone booth/bus station I throw up. Every time I see the trailer for it on TV I bang my head on the nearest kitchen knife. It's gotta be the most cheesy romantic-actiony film ever.

But I guess that's the price of peace from yer teenage daughter!!
Seven pounds, took my gf to see it on Sunday, great film imo, though not recommended for first dates.
Slight break for the norm, but this is a film that I defenaitly will be seeing when ever the local cinema gets it (could be next year then :really

The Damned United

Michael Sheen adds to his impressive portfolio of modern legends by playing Brian Clough in this story of the charismatic and controversial coach’s torrid 44 day reign at Leeds United.

The book was a very good read, and it should be a great film. Michael Sheen is aboslotely fantastic in playing other people (anyone who has seen the show where he plays Kenneth Williams will no doubt agree, likewise if you have seen Frost/Nixon)

Can not wait
Finally got round to watching Death Race last night, and while it's a totally stupid film, I actually really enjoyed it!!!.
Quote from ColeusRattus :Stay (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371257/) Quite psychedelic, has it's lengths but still left me impressed.

It's a bit manieristic and overpolished, nonetheless gets a +1 from me. Marc Forster is an interesting director and I definitely recommend his excellent Stranger than fiction.

Quote from danowat :Finally got round to watching Death Race last night, and while it's a totally stupid film, I actually really enjoyed it!!!.

I've seen Death Race 2000 with Carradine some months ago. Considering the director and the protagonist track records, I don't think I'll get to see the remake. I've got enough Statham in Crank (massively crappy film produly displaying a phony we're-smart-and-only-playing-dumb-for-fun attitude)

And now my recommendation, albeit it's far from new and very different from the ones I quoted: Rushmore, a strangely compelling piece of film with a quirky sense of humor.
Quote from NightShift :And now my recommendation, albeit it's far from new and very different from the ones I quoted: Rushmore, a strangely compelling piece of film with a quirky sense of humor.

And just about anything else from Wes Anderson really.
Quote from NightShift : I definitely recommend his excellent Stranger than fiction

I agree

Quote from xaotik :And just about anything else from Wes Anderson really.

I agree, Wes Anderson is great. If you're not into his kind of melancholical comedies, The Royal Tenenbaums (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265666/) is a good start, as it's his "mainstreamyiest" flick. Still good though.

Having said that, I too enjoy pretty much every silly movie featuring Ben Stiller and/or Owen Wilson (Zoolander, Starsky & Hutch, Dodgeball, Mystery Men)
After watching the Life aquatic Steve Zissu rubbish, I give Anderson's work a wide berth
I liked Life Aquatic. Still, Darjeeling Limited is better, so you might enjoy it if you like Andersons former films.
Also, I really like his taste in music.
TBH Rushmore is the one that I liked the most. It has something very personal in it that's more diluted in his other films, but Tenenbaums is quite nice and gets a +1 from me.

Zissou reminds me a little of Tarantino's Jackie Brown, I can see both the directors have put considerable time, effort and a part of their passion for cinema in those works but they just don't make my heart beat. Well at least Zissou has some fun moments in it
Quote :I can see both the directors have put considerable time, effort and a part of their passion for cinema in those works

I think a lot of Wes's style comes down to the fact that he does his own storyboards, and if you've seen them you'll know that he isn't a very good illustrator. They always have a very crude, classical symmetry about them which gets transferred directly across into film. It works great, and is definitely a big part of the charm of his movies.

I loved The Life Aquatic- but I think it really is one of those movies you need to watch at the cinema rather than just on DVD. It had me in stitches all the way through

Life Aquatic and Darjeeling are his wankiest.

Rushmore and Bottle Rocket and, to a lesser extent, Tenenbaums are very solid, funny, and somehow affecting movies.

I love love love Rushmore.
I never got round to watching (REC), however, I made the cardinal sin of sitting down to watch the Yankie remake, Quarantine..........

And you know what?, it's a pretty damn good horror flick.

I am now going to make an effort to watch (REC)
Never back down
Just finished watching it, i have to say the movie is unbelievable. Drama/action/love it has all, and most importantly it makes good sense and good storyline. If your into kinda "fighting 'till the end" or just need a good relaxing movie to watch, pick up Never back down.
Slumdog Millionaire.

Normally, I hate films that have been hyped to buggery, however, this was different.......

I REALLY enjoyed this film, I thought it was great in every way, great story, beautifully shot (well, its Danny Boyle, you kinda expect it!!), and the acting, especially from the young-uns, who I understand were just kids from the slums was top drawer.

One of the only films in a long time I could, and actually want to, see again, pure class.


Again, wow, not my normal cup of tea, however, it was an intriuging story that gets you thinking, and the 3 leads were amazing, you kinda expect Meryl Streep and Semour-Hoffman to be good, but the third lead actress, Amy Adams of enchanted "fame" was just great.
It was amazing to sit there watching 3 great actors chew up greats lines in a great story.
Don't know if someone mentioned before, but RocknRolla, not as good as Snatch and Lock, Stock...but it's amusing.
Son of Rambow. Great film The two young leads are perfect in their roles, neither having acted before.

I was expecting to resonate more with the 80's nostalgia on offer but actually I didn't really vibe with it too closely. It's possible that the strength and quirkiness of the main characters was simply a bit too much to allow for that generic 80s kind of representation. Maybe it was just the english accents getting in the way?
Quote from Electrik Kar :
I loved The Life Aquatic- but I think it really is one of those movies you need to watch at the cinema rather than just on DVD. It had me in stitches all the way through


I don't think it only works in a cinema. I've only seen it on DVD, but absolutely love that movie. Okok, i watch movies on a big screen with a projector...
Quote :I don't think it only works in a cinema.

The big set pieces (like the cross sectioned cardboard submarine) work much better on the big screen- you had a better sense of the artificiality of everything which was a big part of the humour in TLA. There are some wonderful scenes- such as the end encounter with the jaguar shark, and preposterous 'rhinestone tuna', (I couldn't really pick out the jewels when watching for the second time on TV) which I think really benefit from having that greater sense of scale.

I'm sure a nice projector helps though
Taken was good even though it was too much acted for me.. Someone other would like it though
Crank is one good movie... Worth to take a look at..
Ben X - The (hard) life of an autistic teenage MMORPG player. I liked it a lot.

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
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