Yaaah, I loved the new transformers film, even my GF liked it and she wasn't all to thrilled to be going to see it. 
Donnie Darko 2?...Hmm, how does that work, does she unveil her power and go back to being a little girl to save Donnie from the engine..?
Anyhow, i'm glas i'm not the only weirdo who would watch the same film over and over again, each time feeling differntly about the experience, oh gosh, I might watch it again....

Donnie Darko 2?...Hmm, how does that work, does she unveil her power and go back to being a little girl to save Donnie from the engine..?

Anyhow, i'm glas i'm not the only weirdo who would watch the same film over and over again, each time feeling differntly about the experience, oh gosh, I might watch it again....