I don't know if this was server specific (usually theres a button) and no one on the server LTC is using Y19 apparently. Also excuse me if my technical mumbo jumbo is incorrect.
On joining the server it displays a InSim? welcome message, with rules etc and normally (pre Y19) a button to click OK which then removes the message.
I joined and found that, 1 there was no button displayed, and 2 I had no mouse cursor while the message is displayed. Clicking ESC to bring up the menu (it gave me mouse back) I could click Join and join fine but the message would remain on the screen with no way to remove it.
I need someone to confirm/help because I don't know what I'm talking about.
I tried rejoining the LTC server a few times but it doesn't display the welcome message anymore...
* I'm finding it hard to find a server which displays a message on load - CLC has one but I have mouse and can click the button (im sure CTRA had one but it doesn't show a message so can't test )*
*I'm thinking someone is toying with me, but that could just be my paranoia*
Request: would it be possible to implement some of the functions of the mpredit app into the replay controls? Mainly the feature of cutting a piece of the replay into new shorter replay would be really nice.
Scawen, is replay rewind speed constant? From few tests on different PC configs, seems like it's about 100x. Problem with that is, fast processors can do more (30-40% CPU load while rewinding). Is it possible for user to be able to change this speed?
Fast forwarding a replay runs as fast as possible on one of your processor's cores. LFS isn't able to take advantage of multiple cores (yet?), so that's why you'll see less than 100% CPU load on multi-core processors.
True, you can add AI on every lesson and it even crashes the game from time to time - LFS also removes extra AIs from the replays. Maybe remove this possibility?
But what is the point of adding AIs to training lessons ?