The online racing simulator
Console orientation (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360)
(13 posts, started )

Poll : How is your console oriented? (Select all that apply)

PS3 - Horizontal
Xbox 360 - Horizontal
Xbox 360 - Verticle
Wii - Verticle
PS3 - Verticle
Wii - Horizontal
Console orientation (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360)
Hey guys,

Need to get some input on something here; just a little research. The newer consoles can all be set down horizontally, or up vertically. For those of you with consoles, which way do you have yours sitting? Do you have your console out in the open at all times, just during play, or not at all (tucked into a cabinet under/near your TV)?

Those of you with the Nintendo Wii who stand your up vertically, do you use the silver base piece or let the console stand on its own?

Thanks for any input guys!
I have my PS3 horizontaly on the table next to the monitor, it looks best that way
My ps3 is Horizontal atm,when its upwards its leaves a big empty space and it looks awkward :S
They used to be both vertical, but I forgot that I turned my 360 to horizontal to fit under the SKY box
Horizontal for the Xbox, I believe it has better cooling if it lays flat. But for space concerns on the desk, it'll probably stand upright soon .
PS3 is horizontal, under the desk. Xbox360 is vertical, in the open, in the living room. I believe it has better cooling when standing vertical...

I have my xbox360 since march 2006, and it was always running in vertical position. Never had a single cooling issue, and played A LOT.
I had my 2nd 360 standing Virticul but that little washer or what not ontop of the cd drive came loose when virticle so we moved to horizontal on our 3rd 360 and no issues. Lol btw if u want to know my problems with the 360(s)
1st, Hardrive wasnt recognizable.
2nd, Cd drive thingy
3rd, No problems

And the Wii is standing virticle with the base thing so it stays upright.
My 360 and Wii are both vertical for space and heat reasons.
There's not enough space for our Sky+ box, DVD player, VCR (yes we still have one although it's never used) AND a console under the TV. And on top of that, the heat build up in that small space might be enough to kill off my 360
#9 - mr_x
I have an xbox 360 in the horizontal position, in a cabinet under my telly. I removed the shelf of the cabinet to let the air flow better through so the hot air can escape more. (in theory)
I have my 360 horizontal, because when my old Xbox brke my friend brought over his and a baby knocked into it breaking Nascar08. (the laser ruins the disc supposedly)
I have my xbox standing up nicely tucked in a compartment in my TV cabinent. It looks smart, but it also has plenty of cooling seing as the air conditioning vent is right behind it .

I always put my hand around the console to see how hot it is after playing and its only luke warm, not hot.
When I wee, I stand vertically. So it stands to reason that my Wii should stand vertically.
Thanks for the input guys, much appreciated.

Console orientation (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360)
(13 posts, started )