The XRG is challenging to drift fast, because it is low powered.
You need to have quite a feel of mass transfers and stuff.
Because drifting isn't just smashing the acceleretor and the countersteer.
What are you playing with ?
Here's an example of what you need to know before you drift :
Techniques :
- handbrake (release the clutch, steer a bit, pull the ebrake, release the ebrake, countersteer and accelerate)
- clutch kick (when you gear is at the beggining of the powerband, keep accelerating, steer, depress the clutch and keep your acceleration, release the clutch, countersteer)
- feint (go to the right if its a left corner, then immediately steer hard to the left)
- shiftlock (steer and downshift without revmatching).
These are the four basic techniques you can use to drift. To practice i suggest you take the hardtrack setup and you inflate the rear tires to the maximum.
Start practicing with the ebrake, and clutchkick sometimes while in the drift when you feel the revs are dropping bad. Then when you can go through BL while taking good lines, you can start feinting and shiftlock. Those techniques will make you faster, because they just won't disturb your pace, thus making your drifts faster.
There are some advanced techniques and style, using only the inertia of the car (like brake drift, acceleoff (kansei), G2D2G (grip to drift to grip)) but to master them (or just even try to drift with them), you will need to feel the behavior of your car when drifting and you better have tried grip races in order to know how you can go fast and feel the mass transfers of your car.
Then, once you master this, you'll have the choice of being either a showdrifter (slow slug with too high angle), either a speed drifter (fast dude, taking perfect lines with optimal angle, and high exit speed). It depends what you wanna do. I guess speedrifter impress more girls than showdrifters