Let's not forget that, like DarkTimes said, the people posting these threads normally refuse to do the leg work. Simple as that. They, indeed, just want the code so they can say they have it. For the most part I also ignore that forum, and most other forums on this board as they do not serve my propose. In fact, I am finding myself spending less and less time here as the community and this particular forum falls from the grace it once had. I also fell that I am partly to blame for this.
On a more personal level, I very much started off programming as one of these trolls, but I also had the intent to learn from the code I was given. I was very much like a child in his/her first few years of life asking questions about everything, wanting the results / answer now. But that's part of growing up, as well as part of the learning processes. Indeed I am going about it the same way with the
Regular Expressions functions in PHP. Yeah, I am getting the answers I need and then can use, but I am also learning how to deal with that data set given an expression and the circumstances set forth from that given set of data.
Please note that the following paragraph is not meant to be directed at people here who have already established them selfs, this is much more directed at some of the newer faces.
I will say that the troll personality is not true of all of the people on here, some do come with the intent to learn, and thus grow. Those people deserve the time and effort as they can greatly benefit the community with time and some nurturing. Everyone can in fact learn to program, but I only really want to teach the people who want to learn. Forgive me for my laziness but, I like you ... a programmer, laziness is in my blood

. People you force to learn, don't have the same enthusiasm for the craft as people who want to do it. That's why it's juts not fun to teach them.
Given the PHPInSim model, with the 'core' and then having plugins that carry out the dirty work, I think that it would provide an excellent environment for learning how to program. I have just lost time patience with the community to work on it and the will to continue work on such a time consuming project when I have other tasks at hand from the ambulance core and my EMT-CC final coming up in the next 20 days, plus all of the clinical time and practical hours I must put in before I am even allowed to sit for the test.
Edit: I'd like to take this post to thank the Mods for their hard work, you really do a wonderful job. I'd also like to say sorry for being such a pain in the arse from time to time. I don't mean to, some times my posts just come out that way. Sorry.