Talent injection for F1RST Racing!
31-05-2008 - F1RST Racing have recently been able to add another two great talents to their drivers lineup! Rudy van Buren and Patrick "M4ver1ck" Kubinji, two youngsters with talent and passion for the game are ready to take their new liveries to the finish lines!
The Dutchman Rudy van Buren (which is also his LFS license name) has improved to be a passionate and dedicated driver in the little time he's been active in LFS. He has developed great skills in the process and has shown to be a true winner. Nowadays he is a multiple world record holder and a recent win in the LFS World Series was the icing on the cake. We're very happy to have Rudy on the team and are looking forward to working together!
Patrick Kubinji from Germany, who might be better known as M4ver1ck, has displayed great skills in a large variety of cars. From last season's top notch XR GTR races in the Masters of Endurance to recent wins in the TPS CityLiga with the Formula V8, RaceAbout, etc. On top of his racing skills he has proven to be a great team player and we're therefore delighted to have him amongst us!
We're sure these two youngsters have the skills and talent to bring F1RST Racing another step forward. So a warm welcome from everyone on the team, we wish you a pleasant flight

R. vd Kooij
Source: http://www.1stracing.nl/v2/news.php?newsitem=61