that tire problem (grip falls to nothing whenever you muck it up) was what turned me off GTR2 and prevented me from buying rFactor - since I read it was using the same engine for the tyres.
In rF, whenever I enter a corner too fast (which is about 99% of the time

) I simply slide off the track, helicopter fashion. The most retarded thing is that this happens at ALL SPEEDS. Come into magny cours hairpin a tad too fast, no throttle applied, turn the wheel too much, and presto - the car fisically "bounces" to the left as the front tires just let go of the tarmac, and I simply go plowing straight ahead into the wall. No chance to brake at all... not even on the tarmac.
I saw a guy doing the exact same thing on a f430, (in RL) and he also slid forwards like I did, understeering like mad on the hairpin. Thing is, the car was nearly stopped at the edge of the track, inside the white line. He let go of the brakes, and just turned the car around back onto the line...
What got me to buy LFS on the spot (I had demo about 2 days before I decided to buy) was when braking waaay too late for a corner, the car slid sideways... and kept sliding, but stable. I didnt get off the track, but lost damn near all my speed. Meaning, I was not in control, but the tires were still GRIPPING and slowing me down. Kinda like what has happened to me several times in RL. (loose the rear, instintivly hit the brakes, make the situation worse, and go into a looooooooooooooooong slide sideways while you look to your side, where you were coming, looking straight on into the white-shocked faces of drivers behind you.... but the car stops just shy of the railing).
On rF, when you loose traction it works *exactly* like Nelsinho Piquet's spin in montreal race: begin spin, then suddenly the car twirls around and BAM into the wall. Only diff was that nelsinho hit the kerb, which was why he lost all grip. The moment he landed, he could brake again and didnt touch the wall.