The following Drivers have not submitted replays:
Also, Nopinky and Diabotic[PL] need to supply their real (or real sounding) names.
K.Dang and T.Falke need to confirm their team name.
To score in the Team Championship, a team must have 2 drivers.
We encourage anyone who is not in a team of 2 to join forces with another driver who needs a teammate. The following drivers are unteamed...
Also, if you haven't already done so, please could all drivers and reserves sign up on the Concept Racing Forums as this is where server passwords, incident reports etc will be dealt with.
09 T.Shooter Toddshooter [HR]
16 D.Dawes Dustin Dawes UKCT
20 D.Taylor pantera 70 ICONIC Racing
25 D.Saunders dan12s Rising Phoenix Motorsport
69 T.Klingeleers Mardaneus Spark0 Racing Team
45 R.Cranston Rdcranno Parkfield Motorsport
57 R.van Buren Rudy van Buren F1rst
68 W.Klingeleers wouterke222 Spark0 Racing Team
15 Nopinky N/A
80 T.Geeroms Pleeboy N/A
19 Diablotic[PL]
Also, Nopinky and Diabotic[PL] need to supply their real (or real sounding) names.
K.Dang and T.Falke need to confirm their team name.
To score in the Team Championship, a team must have 2 drivers.
We encourage anyone who is not in a team of 2 to join forces with another driver who needs a teammate. The following drivers are unteamed...
02 N.Schwerdtfeger MoZoY N/A
09 T.Shooter Toddshooter [HR] (TBC)
13 M.Golan mikey_G N/A
17 J.Taylor pacesetter Parkfield Motorsport
20 D.Taylor pantera 70 ICONIC Racing
24 L.Mehic DU-racer Nitrous Team
42 M.Jurcic Mikygs CRO Team Racing
73 S.Lees Celtic100 TBC
87 N.Puntola LFSn00b Storm Racing
Also, if you haven't already done so, please could all drivers and reserves sign up on the Concept Racing Forums as this is where server passwords, incident reports etc will be dealt with.