The online racing simulator
Quote from tristancliffe :Everyone has 3 seconds of bullet time per lap. Sorted.

So is that 3 bullet-time seconds or 3 real world seconds worth of bullet-time?
Quote from Boris Lozac :I feel really scared when i drive on the limit in LFS, and RBR.. BUT that's good, that's how you feel in real life.. It's all about adrenalin, and testing your limits..

I can say one thing with 110% certainty - when I get to about 60 -70% of what I do in LFS in real life I'm already shittin my pants not too mention my wife who's putting imprints in the dashboard from clinging on in fright (this is especially true on the marble like gravel roads we have here in Aus ) and I have a 5km stretch of it to get to my front door so I aint gettin anywhere near the adrenalin rush that I get in RL from LFS
If you've ever rolled a car in RL I'm sure you wouldn't say you get the same feeling in LFS from the same situation In LFS I drive like an 18 year old again i.e. I feel invisible rofl in RL I know better and I have the scares to proove it
No Hankster, just wanted to emphasise the Max Payne bit, with a touch of comedy. Obviously it didn't work.

Erm, Bob, I don't know. 3 seconds of bullet time. Does it matter?
Fixed -i Made Diriver's Death Addon
I decided to finish this dicussion by devoting some time to the addon - and i made it!!!

I made it as a plugin for GMETER
(my best regards to Fonnybone & Peeps1980)

1. Instal GMETER (if u dont have it)
2. Unzip attached file to /gmeter/plugins/ and enjoy.

If G>50 it displayes chat message U ARE DEAD and G value..
It uses the correct calculated G .U can adjust timer according to your system-the G is average value on the timer's interval..
Attached files - 9.7 KB - 164 views
Does that work for S2Q? I thought gmeter didn't work on the current version or have you fixed that as well either way great stuff
that seems nice and cold

When you reach your G limit LFS should blue screen, that is the most painfull death of all
Gmeter works normaly.
patch updated
I think injuries would be nice for cup/league races, where a serious injury could mean you cannot race in the next one or two races.
I think if you forget to put your virtual seatbelt / harness on before racing, you should be able to fly out any of the windows and get run over by the other cars and they should be able to have arms stuck in their rims and the blood should make the track slippery. Nothing like a car against the rail with a torso sticking out of the windshield.....

Seriously though - some simple "consequences" would be kind of cool... I'm just waitng eagerly for the damage model to be honed for the cars.

And I've never laughed so hard at any thread in my life, some of these responses had my in stiches.... That may indicate something about my sense of humour...
Quote from Kegetys :I think injuries would be nice for cup/league races, where a serious injury could mean you cannot race in the next one or two races.

The current "crash physics" don't make it any good. I know lag is dangerous but little bad luck and you're traveling at 600kph towards the next wall...

Maybe just add people to the track to drive over
We need to simulate body temerature, fluid intake, bladder size, and urination.
Quote from wheel4hummer :We need to simulate body temerature, fluid intake, bladder size, and urination.

But then there should also illness simulated. Like fever and something like this.

It'll ruin your concentration and make the driver react slower
I wouldn't mind something simple based on G-forces. As someone argued above, it could be quite informative to notice which corner people keep getting killed on.

But what I really want is to sit petulantly on the back of a moped while a marshall gives me a lift back to the pits and the crowd jeers at me. Oh yeah -- realism.
Hey had another thought, here in Aus they have crosses on the side of the raod where ever a fatality occured and at places were there has been a few deaths they have a sign saying it's a black spot I'm pretty sure t1 on most tracks would end up having that sign
Sorry, couldn't resist
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I still vote for a seat-belt option. And if you dont use it, the ragdoll physics would kick in and you would go flying through the windshield. Kinda like this little app:
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Quote from joeynuggetz :I still vote for a seat-belt option. And if you dont use it, the ragdoll physics would kick in and you would go flying through the windshield. Kinda like this little app: