A quick FBM pick-up race!
(120 posts, started )
Quote from Kaw :Can I be on a kinda "Im-In-But-Dont-Know-Completely-Yet-If-I-Can-Make-It" kinda thing?

Me too for now if i can find out what time in Uk time it will be
Quote from james_bskt :Me too for now if i can find out what time in Uk time it will be


UK is currently GMT+1

So, 2000 BST (Current UK time zone )
You have 55 mins to tell me if you are coming, looks like a great deal of drivers, aswell as the talent level is out of the roof, will be a great event!
OK, race day, This is how the race will happen..

19 utc There will be a 10 min quali, but this will be practice. After this 5 min break and then the True quli will start at 19:15 utc.

20 min all on track quali, triyng to get best spot you can. Another 5 min break and race starts.

19:40 the true race will start!

Keep it clean and fun guys. its more fun then anything, its a pick up race!
Put me on the list please. I think I'm just in time.
count me in as well
5 mins left!
Sign-ups are now closed! Sorry no more sign-ups....
I have to go right now. I might be back before the race but im not sure. I hope I will be back...
Ok, my internet is sorta acting up i will deffintly be here for race, but quali, im not sure.

1995cobraR is my secondary admin please listin to him aswell.
Ok well... I just got a call that my mom needs me to go to work so michael (mp3 astra) will be running it until greg and I get back! Thanks for being cooperative!

Too late?

Edit: nevermind, I can't make it...
Server died?

EDIT: It's back up.
Sorry to all that tele Pited, i had said no to that after first lap. I had to get you off track, it would create mahem.
Sorry but i said in my head, if its anywhere neer as laggy as qualifiing then im just leaving, and the lag was worse.
Because of the lag in Q, im sure some others agree, that you could barely get a lap in i mean i can do a better lap on my race set than i got with my qualifing set because as soon as you come up to some one slower than you on a qualifing lap if you attempt to go past youd just fly 20 feet from lag.
Hi guys, Sorry I had to leave, I idiotic 9 year old brother decided to throw a balloon infront of the screen and decided to start hitting me in the head with one of his plastic toys while I was racing...Sorry to all.

This is the last [SR] event I will ever compete in. You servers, your admins, your drivers; all lack luster and inadequate.
Sorry for lag, didnt expect this many people.
Quote from Falcon140 :This is the last [SR] event I will ever compete in. You servers, your admins, your drivers; all lack luster and inadequate.

Other then lag, I do not think it was inadequate!
#95 - AMB
Well at the start I got hit, caused suspension damage, so i pitted, later on someone span and I tapped him and into the sand trap I went and unable to get out, race over.
Sorry for your luck messy!
Erm, the race was poorly run...... to be honist I did find it a bit kotic from the begining (drivers/last minute admin change etc..) ok yes i will admit I did not help myself buy constantly arguing with Racer-Hero, sorry about that

If this is to happen again then may I suggest a better track please lol.

Oh and Kenneth you did us all a favor leaving..........

100th Post on topic
Yes sorry, computer has been very gay today, i am sorry for that. And Thanbk you for imput, next time will be here full time and in complete control. Aswell thank you to Mp2 astra for helping me out in quli, and all drivers that stuck around, results will be posted tomorow at 19 utc as a complete review of replay is done.
(Mp3 Astra) DELETED by Mp3 Astra
Quote from greg_slideways :Other then lag, I do not think it was inadequate!

The fact that the admins didn't even show up and Mp3Astra was forced to run everything, is inadequate...
I had an emergency come up, i think that is exceptable. Although i guess lfs comes before real life. I am sorry.

A quick FBM pick-up race!
(120 posts, started )