A New Team!
Herts Racing Team, (pronounced 'Hearts', it's not spelt wrong keep reading) is a small live for speed racing team based in Hertforshire, England. We aim to race fast & fair, with fellow members helping each other out during races, and are currently expanding.
Our team is brand new, we currently have four members, including
James_bskt - James[Herts]
Pandastrike3 - Panda[Herts]
Diola383- Diola[Herts]
And in Demo
Michaelwilliams - Mini[Herts]
Visit our site now to apply, www.hertsracing.co.nr at the forums. We are in need of fair racers who are dedicated, fast and have lfs 'knowledge'. Clean racing plays a large role in our team, we have a reputation to live up to, and that's podiums not Shift-S (spectating).
New members can be any age, and have intrests in the UF1 ('Mini') UFR & UF-BR (faster 'mini' & 'limited') the FBM (Formula BMW) and have raced with any of the CTRA servers at least 10 times. You will be classed as a full member after a week of good forum usage, a great display of racing and preferably friendlyness!
Herts Racing is currently looking for a dedicated server, If you would like to help out with this please contact on these forums or on Herts racing forums, and you'll become a respected member of the team & get advertising on our Site and forums. I shall be purshasing one soon if i can find no other alternative.
It's my first attempt at having a team, hopefully all will go well
