The online racing simulator
#1 - M2264
nobody in servers or is it my lfs? [solved]
i log on to multiplayer right now and i only come up with 3 servers with racers in them.. one of them has 4 connections, the other 2 and the last just 1... when i click show all servers all the usuals appear ( around 175 servers total).. but nobody is in them... is this just me or is anyone racing anymore??? --- ive had this go on for about a week now.. ... t=untitled11111111111.jpg
( took this one a few mins later and a couple more servers appeared.. but you can see that there are only 6 servers with people in them... weird?)
Quite a few showing for me running right now, about 30 infact, ranging from 12 cons to 1...
Its because you have that BF1 is mandatory as a server, clicking the vertical BF1 should change it to dark grey, and seeing more people, or click ALL under CARS
Try to find servers with all cars and not empty servers
#5 - M2264
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Its because you have that BF1 is mandatory as a server, clicking the vertical BF1 should change it to dark grey, and seeing more people, or click ALL under CARS

i love you ( in a not so homosexual way )
Glad I helped