The online racing simulator
Please Help! After Patch Z Lost Profile
A few days ago I installed patch Z and everything seems to be fine. Played for a little while. Today when I go in the game, its not using my profile? When I go to Options-->Driver, It shows "driver name" to be "unnamed" and under "other driver" it has my name. When I click on my name under "other driver", it says can't load file. I assume its not using my profile and I'm not able to load it? Also when I first open the game, it says I'm a demo driver. I had to do a unlock for it to show my S2 status. Please help! Thanks.
Nobody can help me? I really want to be able to just use my profile again.
Create a new profile.
And re-unlock LFS. (press Demo Ricer button).
Quote from Shadowww :Create a new profile.
And re-unlock LFS. (press Demo Ricer button).


If I create a new profile, I will have to set everything up again and use a different name. Under "Other Diver", I see my old username but when I click on it, it says cannot load file. Is this how you normally choose a different profile? If so, why is it not working now after patch Z? Don't know why its not using my existing profile to begin with . Someone help!
creating a new profile isn´t too hard imo. just a handful of options below, connected to the name. setups, skins, scripts etc. are for use with every profile. if you think it´s necessary (cause maybe you can´t even delete the damaged profile), then just download a fresh LFS, move the old installation somewhere else, put the fresh LFS where the old one used to be, copy everything you wanna keep from the old folder to the new one (like setups etc.), and everything should be fine.

before you delete the old lfs folder, you might wanna ask where to find something particular to copy to your new lfs...

there might be easier ways, but i´m sure this one works you won´t even need to create a new desktop shortcut if you do it right

P.S. everyone had to re-unlock LFS when he/she updated from Y to Z. guess it´s mainly because now also demo-users need a registered account to go online.