Honestly, i dont know what youre talking about mate
Im talking about a whole new class. (and servers are usually using just one at a time iic) Basically the TBO class cars used to fit inbetween the TBO and GTR class for instance.
I dont like the UFR/ XFR cars at all (FWD (only - atm?) - not intentionally build for race conditions (afaik) "but to have a much saver ride from the shop back home" (or so..), not to mention the significant disadvantages in terms of weight distribution and how it overtaxes the front wheels the more power/ torque is available). To be fair, its fun to drive those cars every now and then but compared to an XRT/ FZ5 / LX6 it just doesnt feels right. Just in case, im aware about the usage of FWD cars in many race classes but im simple referring on this purely (for my personal taste) RWD lacking GT2(?) class in LFS right now.
Maybe this new class or those cars could either be an addition to that so called GT2(?) class or an completely independed one. Maybe even slightly less powered but still "very race car oriented" (where the exact definition for this is a bit cloudy to me at the moment) (just like in the videos, meaning spanks and mine (STCC or early to mid 90s DTM), shown in my first reply here).
So just for clarification, like every other class/ car, everything is or should be predefined and you dont need to play "NFS-underground-carbon pimp my ride _whatever_ game" beforehand in order to remain competitive. Also, the unique class related attributes should remain up to a decent amount, meaning the characteristics that makes the TBO class what it is (power-weight distribution for instance(?)). It should be something unique as well, something with a nice handling reminding on a road car in combination (or restricted/ enhanced in that respect, depending on how its been realized i guess, if ever...) with some GTR car atributes, something that perhaps prepares you
a bit for the GTR class if youre rather new to the game for instance, everything nicely adjusted indeed.
I talking about stuff like specially tailored engine tweaking, slicks, a slightly wider track in combination with an adjusted bodywork
only for this purpose, corresponding front and/ or rear end spoiler, rollcage, weight saving by removing stuff that serves no purpose on a race track and so on...
You shall get an completely new experience with cars you have already driven before many times in the "normal road version". Which of all of those things could or should be added, i dont know since im not into that technical stuff of the official STCC or (early to mid 90s) DTM classes. But as i have said already, all with the goal to get something that fits inbetween or broadens the already existing GT2(?) class.
Maybe the TBO class is or should already represent just that? If so then im sorry for wasting your time.
However, im not demanding anything thus im not in the position to do so anyway nor am i obviously taking all possible facts into account for this exact reason. So this is why im open for any corrections on this matter (and/ or my
limited english
skills of course if you feel like it
Please dont count "(" or ")" or " or " or the word "class" or anything else that has been used too many times by me. I know...