safety car (yes, again)
(14 posts, started )
safety car (yes, again)
yep, another safety car thread. yes, i searched... 20 pages of "search the forums!", "dupe!" etc.

did anyone ever make a mod/insim to do safety cars? i was pondering creating a league of sorts, and figured for the sake of realism, it'd be nice to have. (yes, here i am talking about realism, and i'd be letting a computer do safety car... how ironic.)

I haven't seen any specific mods like that, but about a year ago on Conedodgers we (i say we but i have no affiliation with said server or team) had a trustworthy person act as a pace car and it was an absolute blast to have a running start!
that's probably what i'll end up doing. it just seems like a waste of a person, so to speak.
use the ai, as a pacecar. give the ai a setup with a maximum speed. if you want the pacecar to come in, give it a stop and go penalty. after entering the pits, send it to spectate.

Quote from Fischfix :use the ai, as a pacecar. give the ai a setup with a maximum speed. if you want the pacecar to come in, give it a stop and go penalty. after entering the pits, send it to spectate.

hmm, i never thought about it that way... thanks for the idea, i'd bet that's scriptable.
Since my pc lags I sometimes offer to be a pacecar lol
If you lag and bump people, they fly away. Pretty funny.
About safety car,i saw igtc over lfsremote,and saw the safety cars at the end of pits,and made me wonder how good it would be for leauges to have real safety car,so i got in 3ds max and i made safety car(not from lfs car) but its got the lfs stlye look. I dont know if i should show,or write to devs and ask for it ingame

why the hell are these red? lol
Show Fool
i think something should be done about the yellow flag! in the game a message pops up "YELLOW FLAG" but it's nothing like a real race when everyone hs to slow down behind the pace car, this would be a great addition to the game, but it should be optional.
Hmm interesting... It's involved with my racername! XD Btw that's what I do... offer to be the pace car or be an off-duty pacecar... Crashing into people in cruise servers.
Races to short
I think te races are to short on most servers for a savetycar. Maybe in leagues it will be nice, but than ít's better to use a real person, who can antisipate!
Quote from Cybercool :I think te races are to short on most servers for a savetycar. Maybe in leagues it will be nice, but than ít's better to use a real person, who can antisipate!

Yep.. but then you'll need someone to act as 'race control'.. maybe the same person, but one or more would be best to make the 'call' for the safetycar a more reliable and good decision.
Quote from Cybercool :I think te races are to short on most servers for a savetycar. Maybe in leagues it will be nice, but than ít's better to use a real person, who can antisipate!

to be honest, you need a computer driven pacecar. everything else can have effects to the race. i've done some league races and in the most races the pacecar caused some trouble.

you can use this spare guy to trigger the pacecar and work as racecontroll but the pacecar should be driven by an A.I.

safety car (yes, again)
(14 posts, started )