The online racing simulator
[name removed] hacks
(28 posts, started )
[name removed] hacks
tire ram hack aka speed hack

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[name removed] hacks.mpr - 616.9 KB - 803 views
here we go again...

lifetime ban for him and anyone else using this hack at our servers.
Public naming and shaming

At least I thought it was against the rules of this forum
Quote from obsolum :Public naming and shaming

At least I thought it was against the rules of this forum

steam bans all accounts that hack, and if you want to play again you have to buy a new account
The devs ban hackers' accounts as well. But they just don't want you posting such things on the forum. Instead, report the hack to them privately, they'll make sure that his license is banned from the master server
Quote from obsolum :The devs ban hackers' accounts as well. But they just don't want you posting such things on the forum. Instead, report the hack to them privately, they'll make sure that his license is banned from the master server

No they dont. The only thing that happens is an automatic ban if you gather many bans from many servers within a short period of time. Even then this is still not permanent as far as i know. In the hotlap system however you will get removed permanently (afaik) which is about the only thing the devs are acting upon on this matter (afaik).
God damnit!
I hope these people get banned, and never are able to buy a lisence again.
Quote from 510N3D :No they dont. The only thing that happens is an automatic ban if you gather many bans from many servers within a short period of time. Even then this is still not permanent as far as i know. In the hotlap system however you will get removed permanently (afaik) which is about the only thing the devs are acting upon on this matter (afaik).

Oh, I didn't know. I was sure that the devs made sure that known hackers were banned It would seem like the right thing to do anyway.
well i'd like to see that happen too but on the contrary i'd prefer the devs working on a solution everytime this happens instead of wasting time on the "outcome".
Quote from obsolum :Public naming and shaming

No mercy for cheaters.

He just got a permanent ban from all ConeDodgers servers.
I still don't get why Arox got to keep his license when he was speed hacking. He's no different from this guy so shouldn't they both lose their licenses?
Quote from Lotesdelere :No mercy for cheaters.

He just got a permanent ban from all ConeDodgers servers.

Oh I agree, I don't have anything against people posting replays of obvious cheaters/hackers. I was merely stating that it's against the rules. I'm actually surprised this thread hasn't been edited/locked yet.
he's on the pb list of FM server with a 27 @ FO8
Quote from The Very End :God damnit!
I hope these people get banned, and never are able to buy a lisence again.

Actually I don't think the devs mind a bit of extra cash here and there Hackers could be profitable!
Ye, I can imagine court cases and legal action from taking people's accounts away from them (master server ban). I dont think they want to bother with all the shite. It's quicker for them to just fix the problem at the source and move on.

My biggest fear is when LFS is finished (which I hope will never happen) and the dev's end the development, when the next hack that is released after that, we willl have no fix and then LFS will be ruined by new accounts that want to hack.
Quote from JasonJ :Ye, I can imagine court cases and legal action from taking people's accounts away from them (master server ban). I dont think they want to bother with all the shite. It's quicker for them to just fix the problem at the source and move on.

My biggest fear is when LFS is finished (which I hope will never happen) and the dev's end the development, when the next hack that is released after that, we willl have no fix and then LFS will be ruined by new accounts that want to hack.

You know that breaking the rules you AGREED on when buying the game can get your lisenced banned? LFS dev's has all the right on their side, and even if you go to the highest instance in the court system, you will still fail and the silly cheater will lose, and aswell have to pay for the court price. So, good luck with that.
Quote from JasonJ :Ye, I can imagine court cases and legal action from taking people's accounts away from them (master server ban). I dont think they want to bother with all the shite. It's quicker for them to just fix the problem at the source and move on.

In case you didn't read it:
Quote :
1. General
1.5 Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, towards the developers or members of the community, may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user's Live for Speed license.

Well I can't explain why else they WONT BAN THOSE FOOLS. Anyone else care to speculate why these morons are allowed to continue with their right to break the EULA?

Unless it's something like: they get banned then the cheater has some excuse why his account was used to hack "twit/fool says: someone 'hacked' my password" and the devs have to waste time dealing with the aftermath and they are sick of doing this all the time and it's easier to just not ban them?

I must be missing something, but I thought this thing was stopped a couple months ago.

BTW: nice work catching him.
I'd like to see this people given three month master server bans (and second time round permenant), too.
Anyone actually knows if he's banned?
Maybe we should close this topic, and then notify the dev's, rather than flaming on forum?
Player Todays Stats:
Tavelled Distance: 40kms
Fuel Burnt: 3 Ltrs
Hosts joined: 3

Wait 'til tomorrow I guess.
#22 - ev0
I think it is a good thing that they are not banned outright. This way, all the cheaters highlight the bits in the game that need to be fixed before it is released as a finished product. They won't want to play it once it is complete, and they have to rely on their own abilities in order to do well.
I don't see how one could get his account hacked. If, like me, you mostly never go to lfsworld, you only ever have to write your password once, when you unlock S2. That's not a lot of opportunities for stuff such as keyloggers to be effective, assuming of course, that's the type of thing we're talking about.

The ToA are quite clear, if you hack, you're facing a permanent ban.
There seems to be more and more threads about cheating etc, why can't you just stay FAIR and not cheat. DO these cheats need these silly modifications to actully get somewhere and take the advantage off someone else? It's a flaming simulator and its meant to be competitive, fun, realistic and nearest to the actual real thing. I think cheats should be banned PERM they have abused LFS and don't deserve a second chance, they wouldnt do it if they actully cared for the community of LFS anyway also the game. If you really want to get the last couple of tenths work on your setup and driving - do it fairly. At the end of the day YOU will be found out and YOU will be suffering the consiquences. The only person you are cheating is you. So if your a cheat you simply throwing away your S2 money.
about to be perma'ed from the 720 servers

[name removed] hacks
(28 posts, started )