Amazing how many people read and understand the license agreement before buying LFS. Not. Quote :3. Unlock Rules and Regulations 3.1 You may install S1 or S2 on 2 computers for your own use or to race a friend on a Local Network. 3.2 You will initially be able to unlock LFS S2 or later versions 3 times. This allows you to unlock on two computers and keep one spare unlock. 3.3 We recognise that people may buy a new computer or reinstall their operating system from time to time. For this reason, we will automatically give you an extra spare unlock once a week (every friday morning), up to a maximum of having 2 spare unlocks available. The number of unlocks you have left can be found on your status page. 3.4 You must not give your username, WEB or GAME password to other LFS users.