some people from another countries have such a huge inflation that id like to exaplin why inflation happens:
the world has 100 units of gold, 100 of metals, 100 in other raw metals, 100 in forest, 100 in infrastructure, 100 in people able to work, 100 in sea resources,100 in sun energy,100 in water,100 in crops
so we have in the world a total value of resources of 1000 units, in 1900 this 1000 units were valued 1 trillion dollars
but 100 years later theres 1 thousand times more dollars in the world than before while exactly the same resources
where did that money came from? well somebody decided since he controlled currency he could make as many bills as desired, and thats whats been happening lately, people is forging money legally devaluting the value of things and causing inflation, theres as much inflation as legal forgery of money
with gold as currency there was no ever inflation, great invention paper money, for some, cheap to make and people will give you goods for it