The online racing simulator

race a BOAT
looks great

That's a pretty sweet looking 300zx skin u got there Smile
Was browsing my stuff and found some small fun

1. "Sometimes the race situation decides your pit (Maciek incar)"

2. "Rockingham sausage celebration"
Blackwood with custom shaders & reshade in-game screenshot:

Quote from Big Daddy :Wow that´s really nice.

It is very sharp, I dont know if photoshop could recreate this sharpness.

Thanks. Smile

I think Photoshop would have a nice Depth of Field effect if you managed to get the depth buffer when taking your screenshot. But without it, it would be hard to get a realistic result.

Quote from Big Daddy :One question, I opened the shaders file just because I am a little curious.

Do you actually change the values of the code or even write or implement new functions?

Yeah indeed, I implemented new features in the shaders like height aware exponential fog (Crytek's implementation of it), and some post processing (vignette, tweak to the S-curve). The rendering is also in linear color space (gamma correct rendering, which Scawen is *properly* adding to LFS's next update btw) thanks to Keiichi_Tsuchiya. After that it's mostly stock reshade effects (depth of field and bloom for example).
Quote from nacim :Thanks Smile

Some more RB4 love, with my new night shader mod:

that looks awesome, never noticed your post before now Big grin, Hope you dont mind me using as my desktop background
Quote from bishtop :that looks awesome, never noticed your post before now Big grin, Hope you dont mind me using as my desktop background

thanks ! Can't blame you, it has been mine for months Big grin

Testing new shaders: these screenshots are not edited (only reshaded):

LFS (click for full size):

Real life:

Night time test:


Wow really nice,if you ever decide to share the shader files please let me know Smile
Quote from bishtop :@evolution_R

Wow really nice,if you ever decide to share the shader files please let me know Smile

Yes, I'm sharing them, its just a test. Big grin
But they are working only with Rockingham - Clear Sunset and you have to replace Sky_sunset also, if you want a brighter sky you have to go to Options -> Graphics and set "Draw sky" to off. Remember to backup the original files.

I'm editing this part of Cars2.psh if you want to tweak it:

ret.rgb = diffuse_lighting * In.VCol * texture_col.rgb * 2.5f;
float3 env_dir = e_env - 2.01f;
float env_map_mul = reflectivity_mul * saturate(env_dir.z * 120000000.0f) * 20.0f;

I'm using ReShade too (adds bloom, sharpening, film grain and dof).
Attached files
LFS new - 993 KB - 531 views - 8.6 MB - 563 views

I've been testing a new shaders... more pictures soon.

Hey Evolution_R,

Nice to see other people experimenting with shaders! Smile

Quote from Evolution_R :
ret.rgb = diffuse_lighting * In.VCol * texture_col.rgb * 2.5f;
float3 env_dir = e_env - 2.01f;
float env_map_mul = reflectivity_mul * saturate(env_dir.z * 120000000.0f) * 20.0f;

The added reflection coefficient might add some "pop" effect, but it make things emit more light in reflection than the actual frame (like in your latest screenshot), which is not physically correct. Reflection don't "pop" in LFS mainly because it's missing HDR rendering, so the sky and direct lighting are not in a correct luminance range.

BTW, the "120000000.0f" multiplier isn't really necessary, it will just create a sharp line around the car where reflection goes from OFF to ON.
The goal is to have a nice gradient to fade out reflection on the bottom half of the car, as they are not rendered.

If you want more reflection, even if they're not correct, you can remove the "saturate(env_dir.z * 120000000.0f)". This way you'll also have reflection on the bottom half of the car (it will be the same as the top half reflection, but mirrored).
Thank you for sharing this information. Smile

The main problem is that i have to disable the sky and almost blackout the sky dds texture so i can boost the dynamic reflections. I failed to find a way (inside the shaders) to leave the sky enabled with its default texture, but somehow lower the brightness of it, while keeping the dynamic reflections brighter - is that even possible?

I'm not using "env_dir.z * 120000000.0f" anymore, instead:

float4 envmap_col = tex2D(s_T2, env_dir.xy * float2(0.55f, 0.5f) + float2(0.5f, 0.5f));
float env_map_mul = reflectivity_mul * saturate(env_dir.z + 0.4f) * 19.0f;

- but probably it is best to leave it to "saturate(env_dir.z * 2.0f) * 19.0f;"

Accidentally captured screenshot while making a new video. Big grin

(Evolution_R) DELETED by Evolution_R

Raw Screenshots Thread.
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