The online racing simulator
Sweet shots Eric. Lovin' your reflections and all. Sharp lines too, and the blue car is just the coolest.
nice! where can I get those textures?
Slide-FX 2008 Skin Meeting
I'm posting Cobra's pictures, as he was in a hurry to play COD4. Today beefyman666 finished our team skins, and we were able to get the whole team together for a little pic session. Thanks a bunch beefy, those simple yet clean and classy skins are much welcomed after 3 months of existance, mostly using public skins. Eye canday attached.
...And the rest...
Thank you RM for posting my pictures
Very nice, seriusly. Very artistic pictures.
2 pics I took with my new GFX. Nothing special really ;d.
Quote from LFSn00b :I kinda like those reflections, who made them/link?

Darkone55's ''Nice'' Reflections
It's "F" for forces view - the main part of that screenshot is the largest force on an LFS car i've ever seen, though.
here are mine:


why don't you try turning on antialiasing so we dont have to see nasty jaggies.
Can't be bothered, just playing for fun, not looking good (in graphics, that is.)

Here's a screenshot I took from LFSBC round 2 practice.
Quote from Technique :Here's a screenshot I took from LFSBC round 2 practice.

Poor RAC, I have a feeling it'll have trouble following its line in peace. :S That race was fun for me but prolly not for others since they were all crashing and I pulled away :P
Some of me and DaV!DoO having a quick session...
Attached images
Love your screenshots Eclipse
loving the skins and the angles.
Chillin' out...
Attached images
I was told to get myself Photoshop or something better than Gimp to save my pictures. I wouldn't believe that Gimp was the problem. But after a quick comparision, Photoshop does make my pics look better, and from far!

Thanks beefyman666 for the tip!

Raw Screenshots Thread.
(3339 posts, started )