The online racing simulator
Quote from Buzzn :i cant resize the picture? you probalby posted wrong link
change this way.
Quote from Buzzn :i cant resize the picture? you probalby posted wrong link

Check your PM's please
Quote from Shadowww :1024x640 won't stretch page layout even on 17" (1280x1024) monitor

With Opera, not even on a amazingly small monitor (I could shrink it even more, but I didn't think it was necessary)

Quote from saumilsingh :Lynce's awesome reflections.

Wow, your GPU is very hot
Mine doesn't get higher than 47°C playing Crysis... or 45°C playing LFS.

A few more screenshots, but this time a bit different:

ENBSeries effects on LFS
Activated -> Color Correction
Activated -> Color Correcti ... SAO and Indirect Lighting
Activated -> Color Correcti ... Indirect Lighting + Bloom
Activated -> Color Correcti ... + Bloom + Depth of Field

And this is the result of several effects combined
Notes: SSAO and Indirect Lighting are very high quality effects, and as so they require a lot of video memory and a very good computer to be playable depending on the resolution. Screenshots were taken with in-game AA8x and AF16x. Boris Vorontsov: "The requirements to videomemory size are very high, depends from screen resolution and antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary."
Depth of Field: Also depends on the resolution, and the more discrete it is, the more it will require from the computer.
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Another two pics... this time with FO8.

Click for better quality.

Quote from DiSCiPuLo :

That reflection is very nice, smooth and not too fancy like they are on other ones. Shadow is nice too, nice
Quote from Buzzn :pm? if you send pm i havent reseved it

Didn't wanted to go offtopic, but if you didn't got PM, tell me how you got those awesome temp. display in LFS here please


Omg lol, that looks like a DD car!

Damn you car mesh editors thingy's are making me Jelous!

Why won't MagnoT release that God damn Zmodeller plug-in? GRR!!!
I can haz twin-turbo
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shadowww is getting crazy with the 3d edits :P
Quote from Exile R : shadowww is getting crazy with the 3d edits :P

The 3d edits arent made by him :P
Was bored..

I have higher res if u want..

Edit, Stupid Imageshack messed up everything.. Gonna use the forums upload from now on.. lol

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Screenshots of GRID with a Formula 1 mod isn't allowed...

.... wait, what do you mean that's LFS? :faint:
I would definitely not be playing GRID for openwheelers... or anything else for that matter!

This is raw LFS!
Gills, for worlds sake, don't put THAT huge images in [img].
Quote from Velociround :Wow, your GPU is very hot
Mine doesn't get higher than 47°C playing Crysis... or 45°C playing LFS.

No AC and the ambient temperature is 39C .
Quote from saumilsingh :No AC and the ambient temperature is 39C .

Have you tried some coolers (dissipater + fan) for it? They occupy a extra "slot" (not connector, just extra space), but IMO, if you don't have SLI, it's worth it. I have one of the Arctic's and my GPU's temperature used to be 30°C idle (it's 39°C idle now), and 39°C full (it's 45~47°C full now, depending on the game. It's never gotten any higher than 47°C). These VGA coolers are amazing for overclocking, very easy to install and very efficient. Also, they're not noisy at all.
For a comparison: normal temperatures for 9800GT without this VGA Cooling are 54°C idle and about 67°C full. My 9800GT's current temperatures are 39°C idle and 47°C full.

But it won't make a miracle alone, the results depends on how well is your computer ventilated.
Some overclocking graphics card come with it by default.
Mine is the "Accelero S1 Rev.2" one.

Since my case isn't well ventilated, I can't reach those low temperatures results anymore, but if I organize it I'm pretty sure the temperatures can decrease again.
this is my forst input into this thread, only because any raw screenshot before i got this graffics card,would have just been, well... poo.

few drift on varous tracks. full aa. graphics 100% up. lync's reflections. please tell me what u think.
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Quote from popsy : tell me what u think.

looks okey
but those tires are them public? I have been searching them for long :P

Raw Screenshots Thread.
(3339 posts, started )