Consider requesting help from some demo coders (demo as in demoscene. not demo of a game) to assist you in optimizing the rendering code. These guys can do magic with little to no resources. This would lead to either better gfx without a performance hit and/or less stress on the cpu for the gfx which frees up cycles for the simulation.
Also, they could most probably make it look nicer which would widen the audience which is only a good thing for the LFS.
Just thought i'd mention it
Thanks guys, for everything.
Consider requesting help from some demo coders (demo as in demoscene. not demo of a game) to assist you in optimizing the rendering code. These guys can do magic with little to no resources. This would lead to either better gfx without a performance hit and/or less stress on the cpu for the gfx which frees up cycles for the simulation.
Also, they could most probably make it look nicer which would widen the audience which is only a good thing for the LFS.
Just thought i'd mention it
Thanks guys, for everything.