Quote from zeugnimod :Can't wait for STF's next post. You just wait.. Don`t have time for waching videos now, but i`ll make it up for it later, ok ? cmon.. are they that bad ?:-(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3KdcTgrno Dunno if it has been posted before, but it still is epic. [/thread]
Quote from Chupacabras84 :German book of anatomy its kinda weird i should say It took me a few seconds to work out what it was actually meant to be...just a comparison between a horse and a human in a horse-y position I assume. Oh, and it took me a bit longer to realise this was the wrong thread!
French-Canadian soldiers training to fire a missile. Old as the hills, possibly posted before but still hilarious.
Quote from Kalev EST :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5sHcXRec_I I remember seeing a "Weapons of Mass Distraction" skit by Benny Hill... that did very much so distract me more than that. Sadly, I would've posted it but the internet doesn't have it :weeping:
Quote from Inouva :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBC8liJWLA Really cool! I just don't find it 'hilarious'.
Quote from Mp3 Astra :'Felipe, baby, stay cool!' Song version. Fun lyrics Hehe yeah heard this not too long ago Its classic.. I laughed out loud when watching that GP Something New Without the Jizz in the Pants
Quote from adamlfs :Hehe yeah heard this not too long ago Its classic.. I laughed out loud when watching that GP Something New Without the Jizz in the Pants One problem with that video, it made me JIZZ IN MY PANTS!
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :One problem with that video, it made me JIZZ IN MY PANTS! Yes that is quite a contradiction of video terms isn't it. My 2c : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x12YNhqNHg8&NR=1