The online racing simulator
Driver skins program
(33 posts, started )
Driver skins program
hi can any1 tell me where to get the driver skin maker program ?? the one that lets u not wear a helmet or racing suit. thnx
#2 - tinyk
Quote from rhall2k :hi can any1 tell me where to get the driver skin maker program ?? the one that lets u not wear a helmet or racing suit. thnx

You can find it here. Player editor

Didnt their used to be one that you could choose more than one model in S1? I remember having one where you could be a bunch of different guys, and those girls in bikinis on the side of fern bay
mate you have to download a program called hex editor and there change ur name from there im not sure how its done i got some one 2 do mine for me sorry
#5 - Lible
Please read the thread before awnsering!
ok, but is there a way to get it WITHOUT having tu subscribe to ANOTHER forum...?
Have someone this programm? :dopey:
Yes i do, i always use that program to change my suit.
and where can I get it? :star:
There's a link in the thread, which is the point of the thread.
I have tried to download this file with AOL and it didn't work.

But with Firefox it works. Now I have the program.

Or you can search in Google Hex editor
I cant save any i make with tht file as save is blanked, or do i have to open a player profile, if so where do i find it
The player profile would be found in X:\Path\To\LFS\S2\data\misc\<yourname>.ply
You don't need to subscribe to it to get the download, so go and look. Then you can make yourself look silly with no helmet to your heats content.

Edit: It turns out you DO need to subscribe, so cancel last. But it's already been posted on this forum a few times as for the comment about looking silly, I'm sticking with it. There is no need, other that to satisfy a weird desire to 'look different', to use it. That's my opinion, and I'm not changing it because someone thinks differently. If you don't agree with my opinion, then great, that's the nice thing about opinions. But if you're one of the namby pamby do-gooders who always say the right thing, and have the 'right' (politically correct) opinion, then I pity you, and others like you, from the bottom of my heart. The world would be a better place without political correctness and do-gooders.
here ya' go....and u have 2 subscribe on the other forum 2 get it....

and tristan...maybe he's not planing 2 have a race with it, a movie or fun, "streetracing" maybe? Dont jump like that 2 the people... every1 with his taste...RIGHT?
Attached files
lph-1.1.0.rar - 1.6 MB - 770 views
Maybe there was a reason I hadn't posted it elsewhere

It needs updating already.. so this version will be moot soon anyway. Hoping to make it a little more globally useful too.. but need to check again to see exactly what's in the PLR file now


oh, thats why i couldent write ma' name in :P yea, so when exactly will u relese it ?
The name's pulled direct from the PLR file, that's why that field isn't editable.. although that'll be something I change for the next version. I think I also need to readdress some of the ^ codes for colour, but need to do some more reading about the latest LFS release etc

The credits field will be disappearing too as they've now been removed from the game (or at least hidden).

Not sure on an actual release date yet, but have started on the new version already.. I'll post an update note here when sorted

I've also just copied it to another location on me server that doesn't require registration. I'll do the same for the update. The main reason for restricting certain forums on the dSRC forums was to prevent bots from grabbing them all the time. Using PHP to serve files the way vBulletin does isn't the best way for resource-friendly downloading so it kept the downloads more to people who really wanted to download the file(s).

Had no idea this little tool had become so popular (only check then thread meself if someone reports a problem and the primary reason for me only posting it on me own forum so that I didn't have to read 50 about people posting problems with it if they had any) especially as it's not really that clever, just convenient but good to see people like it (or some anyway )

I'll post here once the update is sorted


Quote from Alex_Tiger :and tristan...maybe he's not planing 2 have a race with it, a movie or fun, "streetracing" maybe? Dont jump like that 2 the people... every1 with his taste...RIGHT?

Yeeaahh Tristan, you byatch!
Quote from tristancliffe :The world would be a better place without political correctness and do-gooders.

The car isn't so heavy, if you don't wear a helmet... heh, just kidding .
Quote from Ian.H :Had no idea this little tool had become so popular (only check then thread meself if someone reports a problem and the primary reason for me only posting it on me own forum so that I didn't have to read 50 about people posting problems with it if they had any) especially as it's not really that clever, just convenient but good to see people like it (or some anyway )

I'll post here once the update is sorted



I have no clue how did you do it, but it's perfect for Streetracing or just cruising in Raceabout. The only thing which is missing now is to be able to edit passenger as well. Ya know what I mean, me in a T-shirt, hair in the wind, and on my passenger seat some booby alien with a helmet like a melon... instead of a booby blonde/brunette!
Could it be done? Seriously.
Where can i find the Skins, this program is using?
In my LFS-Install i can´t find em, in the folder of the Tool i only see the jpgs the tool is showing, but not the skin.
#25 - Jakg
what tool? the skins are in lfs>data>skins

Driver skins program
(33 posts, started )